515, Atma House, Ashram Road
Ahmedabad District
Latest complaint Unsuccessful purchase has been filed on 09/11/2024. Latest Resolved Payment made, but not paid to LIC was resolved Jun 8, 2024. BillDesk ranks as the #7 most complained about among Banks.
Consumercomplaints.in is not affiliated, associated, maintained, authorized, sponsored, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected with BillDesk. We suggest contacting the company directly to resolve your complaints, and you can find the company's contact details above.
Consumercomplaints.in is an independent website that was launched in 2004 with the purpose to create a platform for customers to voice their issues and concern publicly, without the fear of being ignored. It is our core desire to make it easier for both customers and companies to connect to each other.
Leave your complaints, comments, reviews and experiences regarding on our website and work with their customer service team to find a resolution.