Care Health Insurance Complaints & Reviews
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Hello Team,
Sub.: Un tag my Pan ID
Kindly remove my PAN ID from IRDAI Portal from the Company viz., Care Health Insurance. Since, i have done no business from the date of joining.
Name: Akash Manu Premani
Insurance Name: Care Health Insurance
Insurance Type: Health
Agency Code: RLH20622189
Status: Inforce
Thanks & Regards,
Sub.: Un tag my Pan ID
Kindly remove my PAN ID from IRDAI Portal from the Company viz., Care Health Insurance. Since, i have done no business from the date of joining.
Name: Akash Manu Premani
Insurance Name: Care Health Insurance
Insurance Type: Health
Agency Code: RLH20622189
Status: Inforce
Thanks & Regards,
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Address: Arun Pal S/O Mr Suraj Singh Mohalla Kehra Haldaur |
Website: document |
Date - 15 -6-22
(I have sent all my papers to the company and the company has asked for some more papers and I have already given them.
The employee of the company also got the form filled and took all the papers. After that the company asked for some more papers and gave them too. The company kept finding some shortcomings in the papers and in the end they started saying that your claim is not valid. isbr...
(I have sent all my papers to the company and the company has asked for some more papers and I have already given them.
The employee of the company also got the form filled and took all the papers. After that the company asked for some more papers and gave them too. The company kept finding some shortcomings in the papers and in the end they started saying that your claim is not valid. isbr...
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I have already resigned on 19th April 23 but still pan showing active on IRDA portal. Please help into get NOC and Pan removal from IRDA portal on urgent basis as my current employer has sent SCN.
Pushpendra Singh Gaharwar
Pan: AJZPG0588P
Agency Code: RLH20461647
Pushpendra Singh Gaharwar
Pan: AJZPG0588P
Agency Code: RLH20461647
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I have already resigned on 19th April 23 but still pan showing active. Kindly help to get NOC and Pan removal from IRDA portal on urgent basis as my current employer has sent a Show Cause Notice.
Pushpendra Singh Gaharwar
Pushpendra Singh Gaharwar
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I am Abhay Kumar and my PAN is BRQPK3275D.
I have an HP code in Care Health Insurance and my code is RLH20197016.
I have submitted my resignation letter, original ID card and NOC request to Care Health Insurance company.
I have applied as an employee in other Insurance company and they demanded to remove my PAN from IRDA portal before joining.
I request you to please remove my PAN...
I have an HP code in Care Health Insurance and my code is RLH20197016.
I have submitted my resignation letter, original ID card and NOC request to Care Health Insurance company.
I have applied as an employee in other Insurance company and they demanded to remove my PAN from IRDA portal before joining.
I request you to please remove my PAN...
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Hi There,
I used to have a policy in Star health but Care people suggested me to switch to Care by porting, Care staff promised me that they consider star experience as it's ported from star.
I took policy in Star by 2019, my father fell down in 2022 June but Care people it's preexisting disease.
Care people just cheated me i could get a cashless claim if I stay in Star.
Care charged me huge amount for...
I used to have a policy in Star health but Care people suggested me to switch to Care by porting, Care staff promised me that they consider star experience as it's ported from star.
I took policy in Star by 2019, my father fell down in 2022 June but Care people it's preexisting disease.
Care people just cheated me i could get a cashless claim if I stay in Star.
Care charged me huge amount for...
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Policy no[protected] huge claim amount deducted almost Rs 45000 was deducted
1. Smart City network hospital rs 21000 was deducted
2.Rmo charges rs 5000 not paid
3. Pharmacy bill rs 4600 was not paid
4. Lab chars₹ 3000 was not paid
5. Bio hazard charges rs 2500 was not paid etc
It's been more than a month still grevience team and claims team has not even bothered to call or reply to my complaintsbr...
1. Smart City network hospital rs 21000 was deducted
2.Rmo charges rs 5000 not paid
3. Pharmacy bill rs 4600 was not paid
4. Lab chars₹ 3000 was not paid
5. Bio hazard charges rs 2500 was not paid etc
It's been more than a month still grevience team and claims team has not even bothered to call or reply to my complaintsbr...
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Claim number[protected]
I have taken policy for my dad from care health insurrance. Past 7 seven years I am using this policy. Only one time I have claimed insurance for cataract treatment. But recently My father needed to be hospitalized due to emergency. I have asked for reimbursement from company but they are rejecting claim saying no emergency case. Even after proving emergency letter they are not considering claim and just...
I have taken policy for my dad from care health insurrance. Past 7 seven years I am using this policy. Only one time I have claimed insurance for cataract treatment. But recently My father needed to be hospitalized due to emergency. I have asked for reimbursement from company but they are rejecting claim saying no emergency case. Even after proving emergency letter they are not considering claim and just...
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I had purchased a Health Insurance Policy (No.[protected] by way of porting the same from HDFC Ergo to Care Health Insurance on 29.06.2022 well before the expiry of the previous policy, which was to expire on 21.09.2022. On receipt of the policy document, it has come to my notice that the policy commenced from the date of purchase i.e. 29.06.2022 instead of from the date of expiry of the previous policy i.e. 21.09.2022.
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Address: Care Health Insurance Limited , 5th Floor, 19, Chawla House, Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019 |
Website: |
I had purchased a Health Insurance Policy (No.[protected] by way of porting the same from HDFC Ergo to Care Health Insurance on 29.06.2022 well before the expiry of the previous policy, which was to expire on 21.09.2022. On receipt of the policy document, it has come to my notice that the policy commenced from the date of purchase i.e. 29.06.2022 instead of from the date of expiry of the previous policy i.e. 21.09.2022.
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Dear Sir
This is to bring to your notice that i was working in care health insurance company as an agent. Now I got a job offer in another insurance company as an on roll employee.
I have given a request letter for the issuance of NOC. But its nearing a month no action has been taken so far. I kindly request you to take immediate action for removing my pan no. From irda portal.
I cant get offer letter without issuing...
This is to bring to your notice that i was working in care health insurance company as an agent. Now I got a job offer in another insurance company as an on roll employee.
I have given a request letter for the issuance of NOC. But its nearing a month no action has been taken so far. I kindly request you to take immediate action for removing my pan no. From irda portal.
I cant get offer letter without issuing...
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1 found this helpful
Dear Team,
I have resigned in the company for my agent role before 3 months but still its reflecting as inforce only kindly help me in getting it cancelled on priority.
Name: Nayana Holehonnura Mathada
Pancard: CIVPM8233L
ISSUANCE DATE:26/09/2019
Nayana HM...
I have resigned in the company for my agent role before 3 months but still its reflecting as inforce only kindly help me in getting it cancelled on priority.
Name: Nayana Holehonnura Mathada
Pancard: CIVPM8233L
ISSUANCE DATE:26/09/2019
Nayana HM...
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Address: no 138 sarakki main road j p nagar 1st phase bangalore 560078 |
Had a health insurance but am not satisfied with the service and not received a reimbursement as well unable to reach them...
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Address: Patto Panjim Goa |
I have already given request in Care health insurance on 15 June 22 and that was accepted by Branch head on 20th June 22. However till now it is reflecting in IRDA portal due to which I am facing issues in my new job.
Please remove my PAN number from IRDA portal
Pan number :- AMXPT2631H
Please remove my PAN number from IRDA portal
Pan number :- AMXPT2631H
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Address: Hisar |
Website: |
They are doing Fraud with Peoples.
We have Ported Our Policy in Care Health Insurance & Shared Old Policy Documents with them, After 6 Months of Policy Taken, My Father Got ill & We Apply for Claim & They Reject it with Showing Reason of Non Disclosure of Disease but We have attached Old Policy Details & That are also mentioned in Care Policy Too as well Policy was 8 Yrs Old Almost.
But They Are Denying for Claims &...
We have Ported Our Policy in Care Health Insurance & Shared Old Policy Documents with them, After 6 Months of Policy Taken, My Father Got ill & We Apply for Claim & They Reject it with Showing Reason of Non Disclosure of Disease but We have attached Old Policy Details & That are also mentioned in Care Policy Too as well Policy was 8 Yrs Old Almost.
But They Are Denying for Claims &...
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Address: Ward No. 3, Rewa Road, Jaisinghnagar, Shahdol - 484771 |
I was having the policy with Star Health Policy - P/161130/01/2020/057024 and one of Person Miss Pooja Tiwari called me and told me she is calling from Care Health. I have shared my existing policy to port from the Star Health Insurance. But today I came to know they have issued a fresh policy. Also I came to know that Bfsi Insurance Broking Pvt Ltd is the agent and they also changed the mail id and not mentioned my mail id on the policy...
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Dear Sir/Madam,
i was hospitalized in nanavati hospital, Mumbai on 28th February, 2022 and discharged on 05th March, 2022. as reqd by company, all documents for reimbursement were duly submitted in chembur office on 25th of march for claim of 24, 542/-. it was assured that everything is okay and claim would soon be settled. however, company has only released 2, 000/- on 12.04.2022 and said that claim has been successfully...
i was hospitalized in nanavati hospital, Mumbai on 28th February, 2022 and discharged on 05th March, 2022. as reqd by company, all documents for reimbursement were duly submitted in chembur office on 25th of march for claim of 24, 542/-. it was assured that everything is okay and claim would soon be settled. however, company has only released 2, 000/- on 12.04.2022 and said that claim has been successfully...
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सर मैंने अब से 3 साल पहले रिलायंस रिलीगेयर हेल्थ इंश्योरेंस की पॉलिसी अपने पापा के लिए दी थी जिसका नाम आप बदलकर केयर हेल्थ इंश्योरेंस पॉलिसी हो गया है सर कल मेरे पापा को अचानक...
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Address: Regd. Office: 5th Floor, 19 Chawla House, Nehru Place, New Delhi-1 10019 Corp. Office: Unit No. 604 - 607, 6th Floor, Tower C, Unitech Cyber Park, Sec |
Website: |
I am complain against (care health insurance) because i was port my policy from care health insurance to star health insurance. Today I received a message from my bank be deduct 9996 Rs by care health insurance yearly instalment but I cleared informed to care health insurance be i port my policy to another company or care health insurance avoid my refund so you see on my request. Policy No. : 19305526
I am complain against (care health insurance) because i was port my policy from care health insurance to star health insurance. Today I received a message from my bank be deduct 9996 Rs by care health insurance yearly instalment but I cleared informed to care health insurance be i port my policy to another company or care health insurance avoid my refund so you see on my request. Policy No. : 19305526
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Regarding the above matter, I have to say that on 8th of March, 2021 I resigned from your company and requested you to Release my PAN from IRDA site.
Please be noted that My was engaged by the company Care Health Insurance without my concern or without taking any examination conducted by IRDA for becoming an agent in Insurance sector.
The Resignation was also accepted by your RM ( Relationship Manger/ Regional Manger) on the...
Please be noted that My was engaged by the company Care Health Insurance without my concern or without taking any examination conducted by IRDA for becoming an agent in Insurance sector.
The Resignation was also accepted by your RM ( Relationship Manger/ Regional Manger) on the...
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Care Health Insurance Recent Comments
- Request you to help into get NOC and Pan removal from IRDA portal
I have already resigned on 19th April 23 but...1
- No Service
Hi There, I used to have a policy in...1
- Claim rejection even after submitting emergency documents
Claim number - 93097504 00 I have taken...2
- Delay in Claims Huge deductions in claim amount
Policy no 18527677 - huge claim amount deducted...1
- Fraudulent Alterations in my Policy
I had purchased a Health Insurance Policy...2