Water Wastage Complaints & Reviews
Address: Van vihar colony delhi bypass jaipur |
Daily Water wastage in my neighborhood...
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Address: dav clg for woman, railway road, karnal, haryana |
DAV College for Women (B.Ed), Karnal, Haryana 132001 waste ground water for atleast 4-5 hours everyday. They have refused to install any mechanism to contain the overflow. Wastes about galloons of water everyday....
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My neighbour waste lot of water from government water supply
Address- naya Goan chandpur Bulandshahr (203001), UP
Address- naya Goan chandpur Bulandshahr (203001), UP
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Address: #279 Mallappa Garden M.S.Nagar post old Baiyyappanahalli |
Hello Sir/Madam,
Ground water in our locality(Mallappa garden M.S Nahar post old baiyappanahalli bengaluru) is flowing on the road & there is a massive waste of water.
The damage isn't w.r.t the tap, but with the pipe & would request to assist us in recovering the damaged line, so that we can save water....
Ground water in our locality(Mallappa garden M.S Nahar post old baiyappanahalli bengaluru) is flowing on the road & there is a massive waste of water.
The damage isn't w.r.t the tap, but with the pipe & would request to assist us in recovering the damaged line, so that we can save water....
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Address: House no. 704 & 678 sector 31, Faridabad, haryana |
Website: Www.consumercomplaints.in |
Sir, I am residing in Faridabad, haryana. My two neighbours H. No 704 & H. No 678. In sector 31. Faridabad. Daily they are cleaning their ramps & cars in which they are using excesive water. Whole Gali is fill with full of water. Both houses daily routine to clean & wastaging lots of water. So much water logging in Gali. Sir, this is now very serious matter both houses don't know the value of water. As a resposible citizen I request you please...
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Address: Hodal |
I see my neighbours overflow tank everyday. Many times I have told him to switch their water supply but he continues the same everyday for 2-3 hours...
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Address: Nai Basti ,Tel Mill Road, Near SSP PUBLIC SCHOOL |
I live in Tundla, dist. Firozabad, state Uttarpradesh (283204). I see the wastage of water daily in my neighbourhood . My neighbour has his private water supply so he switch on the pump and leave it . The water follows continuously for hours . We have warned him also several times for this and has also brought into consideration about the new methods that signifies that the tank is full, but he does not listen to them and daily for hours...
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Dear sir,
I am a resident of A-50, paryavaran complex, 3rd floor, IGNOU Road. In my building i see everyday water is being wasted due to overflowing overhead tank. I contacted the owners of the flats to inform him about the issue of wastage of water, but still the problem persists.
The Flat No. is A-50, 2nd Floor left side. I stay in the same building. sides of the wall and terrace has been damaged due to water...
I am a resident of A-50, paryavaran complex, 3rd floor, IGNOU Road. In my building i see everyday water is being wasted due to overflowing overhead tank. I contacted the owners of the flats to inform him about the issue of wastage of water, but still the problem persists.
The Flat No. is A-50, 2nd Floor left side. I stay in the same building. sides of the wall and terrace has been damaged due to water...
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Address: LIC of India 128 C-26,27, Community Center, Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058. |
Dear Sir,
There is water wastage every day in our neighborhood. The tank is overfilled and water is kept flowing for hours. Even after telling them, they have not listened. It’s almost 100ltrs of water every day.
Address :-
LIC of India 128
C-26, 27, Community Center, Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058....
There is water wastage every day in our neighborhood. The tank is overfilled and water is kept flowing for hours. Even after telling them, they have not listened. It’s almost 100ltrs of water every day.
Address :-
LIC of India 128
C-26, 27, Community Center, Janakpuri, New Delhi-110058....
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Address: Lakhimpur kheri |
Sri Akhilesh Tripathi sir,
I would like to draw your attention towards the wastage of water in my colony. So many people tried to talk to the lady but she just starts to use beruy foul language and fun fact is if anybody tries to tell her to politely she even didn't listen.
I asked her politely to turn the motor off as the water is flowing she just said " nahi karungi, tu jaha se aayi hai waha wapas ja, also she made...
I would like to draw your attention towards the wastage of water in my colony. So many people tried to talk to the lady but she just starts to use beruy foul language and fun fact is if anybody tries to tell her to politely she even didn't listen.
I asked her politely to turn the motor off as the water is flowing she just said " nahi karungi, tu jaha se aayi hai waha wapas ja, also she made...
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Address: NIT 3 A Block H no. MCF-1 3H NIT 3 FARIDABAD 121001 |
There is water wastage everyday in our neighborhood. The tank is over filled and water is kept flowing for hours.
Even after telling them, they are ignoring. It’s almost 100ltrs of water every day.
They do not have Meter also, they have taken direct electricity, KINDLY check
There AC is ON 24/7 as they have taken direct electricity
According to them they work in MCF so they will waste water and electricity bothbr...
Even after telling them, they are ignoring. It’s almost 100ltrs of water every day.
They do not have Meter also, they have taken direct electricity, KINDLY check
There AC is ON 24/7 as they have taken direct electricity
According to them they work in MCF so they will waste water and electricity bothbr...
+1 videos
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10 found this helpful
There is water wastage everyday in our neighbourhood. The tank is over filled and water is kept flowing for hours. Even after telling them, they have not listened. It’s almost 100ltrs of water every day...
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4 found this helpful
Address: New calony dugai estate, near satish venkat hall, ramgarh road bhowali , dst; Nainital, Uttrakhand. |
I am from bhowali, Nainital, uttrakhand.
The building next to mine wastes a lot of water. Over the past few months i have observed that the overhead tank starts to overflow around 12 am and continues to overflow till 6-7 am till the timings get over.There is no garden or anything and this huge amount of water just goes to waste every single day. They don't make effort to close the tank after it starts over flowing.br...
I am from bhowali, Nainital, uttrakhand.
The building next to mine wastes a lot of water. Over the past few months i have observed that the overhead tank starts to overflow around 12 am and continues to overflow till 6-7 am till the timings get over.There is no garden or anything and this huge amount of water just goes to waste every single day. They don't make effort to close the tank after it starts over flowing.br...
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Address: Tehsil Compound Hathras |
Website: Municipal corporation Water Tank |
I lives in Tehsil Compound Hathras Near Aligarh Road In front of St Francis Junior college plz I beg you plz draw your attention towards the water wastage plz come up with your team in my society and remove all water connection
And start the water tank of municipal corporation which is build in our society
Plz I beg you plz come
Yours Truly
I lives in Tehsil Compound Hathras Near Aligarh Road In front of St Francis Junior college plz I beg you plz draw your attention towards the water wastage plz come up with your team in my society and remove all water connection
And start the water tank of municipal corporation which is build in our society
Plz I beg you plz come
Yours Truly
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4 found this helpful
Address: Tehsil Compound , Hathras Near Aligarh Road In front of At. Francis junior school |
Website: Waterwstage |
Dear Sir/Mam
I would like to draw your attention towards the problem of water wastage in our colony we are living in this colony for so many years
At first their was only one water connection for whole society but now they have build up their own connection of water
I lives in Tehsil Compound, hathras This is government society which is build for all government workers and they don't need to pay any of the water tax,...
I would like to draw your attention towards the problem of water wastage in our colony we are living in this colony for so many years
At first their was only one water connection for whole society but now they have build up their own connection of water
I lives in Tehsil Compound, hathras This is government society which is build for all government workers and they don't need to pay any of the water tax,...
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4 found this helpful
Address: Indraprastha Nagar turn, opposite Shadab colony, Khurram Nagar, Lucknow |
He opens the tap and water starts to follow in the drain and then he do his usual work. This goes on for few hours. When I try to confront him he said, he established that tap and told me to stay out of it.
Time to caught him in act: 07:00-08:00...
Time to caught him in act: 07:00-08:00...
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Address: Sainik hostel nandanwan colony chaprasipura camp amravati |
Dear Sir,
There is a heavy leakage in main water piepeline in nandanvan colony camp amravati. The leakage is from last few weeks dig around it. Whole water goes to sever nearby it when in pressure and after pressure sever water returns to pipe line. There was a complaint earlier as well but no action was taken.
Please help to stop wastage....
There is a heavy leakage in main water piepeline in nandanvan colony camp amravati. The leakage is from last few weeks dig around it. Whole water goes to sever nearby it when in pressure and after pressure sever water returns to pipe line. There was a complaint earlier as well but no action was taken.
Please help to stop wastage....
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Address: Room no 3 St John's Bhishop house afganchurch colaba mumbai 5 |
Website: Muncipal coopration of mumbai |
Water supply in our location is from morning 4 to 8 .my neighbours purposely do water wastage by not stoping the overflow of their Tank . The water spills from morning 5 till the water is gone that is till 8 it continuesly overflow. place we live has only one water supply pipe which is distributed in 4taps my neighbours has plotted a motor so that all the water gets soaked by one pipe and so that others gets less water. We need immediate...
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5 found this helpful
Address: Sector-23 Gurgaon |
Website: Consumercomplaint. In |
I am a resident of sector 23 Gurgaon, haryana.
Everyday morning and evening 3-4 houses let their tank overflow for atleast 30-45 mins. In present situation where every drop is precious, it is quiet disturbing to see wastage of Water. I request the concerned authority to look into the matter ASAP....
Everyday morning and evening 3-4 houses let their tank overflow for atleast 30-45 mins. In present situation where every drop is precious, it is quiet disturbing to see wastage of Water. I request the concerned authority to look into the matter ASAP....
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Address: Telangana grameena bank 1st floor padmarao nagar -500025 |
Website: Water wastage - tank overflow |
Hno.6-103/38 1st floor above telangana grameena bank padmarao, These people they waste for Minimum 5-6 times in a day the tank overflow for 45min everyone in the can hear the water overflow sound except them even if they hear also they just neglect it in the night around 11-1am the tank overflow for almost 1hr itz really disturbance at that time many o[censored]s told them to turnoff the motor whenever we recognized still they do same by wasting...
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Daily a person name raju thakur wastes water in the name of[censored]sing water to wash off temple he wastes much of the water, kindly lodge a complaint please please...
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Address: Ram medical, Santar road, top tiraha, Dhaulpur, 328001 |
My neighbour shop has a tap connection. Two times a day water supply has been provided by the government. My neighbour never closes the tap and water gets continuously over flowed from his tap and becomes a waste....
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The building next to mine wastes a lot of water. Over the past few weeks i have observed that the overhead tank starts to overflow around 3-4am and continues to overflow till 8-9am till someone turns off the pump. Again, during the day the tank overflows at least a couple of times and continues till someone notices. There is no garden or anything and this huge amount of water just goes to waste. I learn from people that they had a leakage...
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Address: Lanjiplli Khala street, Berhampur, Ganjam, Odish, Pin:760008 |
Wasting public pipeline water at Lanjiplli Khala street, Berhampur, Ganjam, Odish, Pin:760008...
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Address: Venkatapatiraju nagar , nowroji road , lane near more department |
The house behind my house they keep their motor on even after filing their tank . Now it's been 48 hours and the water is still flowing. It's hell lot of wastage of water . I've told them to close the motor but they didn't listen to me even .water is the main source we live and i can't see this much of water getting wasted . Do take some action ....
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Address: 32-A Bada Mohalla devli road khanpur |
The house behind mine leaves their water motor on after their tank get filled.
And water pours out for several hours sometimes the whole night...
And water pours out for several hours sometimes the whole night...
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Address: # 16, 7th main road, vasanthnagar Bangalore 560052 |
Hello Team,
This is a complain to report water wastage from house # 16, 7th main road, vasanthnagar Bangalore 560052
This house was earlier rented to some hotel staff but now there is no one leaving at this house and its completely vacant, but the owner is still in Bangalore and visits the house occasionally. This house owner has been frequently complained about the water line kept open and the amount of wastage...
This is a complain to report water wastage from house # 16, 7th main road, vasanthnagar Bangalore 560052
This house was earlier rented to some hotel staff but now there is no one leaving at this house and its completely vacant, but the owner is still in Bangalore and visits the house occasionally. This house owner has been frequently complained about the water line kept open and the amount of wastage...
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Address: New akash nagar, street no 1, House No 167, near Jalandhar bypass shiv mandir, ludhiana,punjab |
Its my neighbor waste water every day, his address is house no 167, new akash nagar, near jalandhar bypass, street no 1, shiv mandir, ludhiana, punjab
Name : mr. Pannu...
Name : mr. Pannu...
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Address: Hotel the dock, Bolinj, Agashi road, Near Viva Swarganga complex, Virar west 401303 |
I am a resident of Swarganga complex, bolinj, Virar west 401303. There is a hotel right beside our complex named "The Dock". The hotel fills their water tank for about 3-4 times a day. They do not shut the water supply after it's filled, it keeps overflowing for about 30 mins every time they fill their tank. This results into a lot of water wastage. Please take some action against the same....
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Water Wastage Recent Comments
- My opposite apartment is wasting water by overfilling the tank
The building next to mine wastes a lot of...1
- Wasting public pipeline water
Wasting public pipeline water at Lanjiplli...1
- Im complaining about water wastage
The house behind mine leaves their water motor...1
- regular water wastage
Near Kabir chaura Sspg hospital Varanasi,...1
- water wastage in kansa chowk near gate of government school
Sir, as i go for a morning walk in kansa chowk...2