Theaft of Service Tax
Respected Sir
I would like to register the complaint with you regarding service tax theft.
Following Caterers are not Charging Service Tax to the client inspite of doing business above the cut off level given by service tax dept.
Vivek Dhuri
Add: 1/4, Lalit Apptrments, Rameh Nagar, Amboli, Andher(W), Mumbai 58. Tel:[protected]R) / [protected] / [protected] Off: 28364660
HarjeetKaur Marva
Add: Gala No5, Tamp Ind Estate, Eat Bhatti, Near Patel Aluminium, Western Express Highway, Goregaon (E) Tel [protected] PAN: AAHPM34864
Against the basic law of Excise Dept.(Service Tax), they have been misappropriating the service tax to a large extent.
Being a concerned citizen I feel its my duty to inform the concerned authorities so that appropriate action can be taken.
Yours Faithfully
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