[Resolved]  dvd — dvd not repair by company

Address: Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh

Dear Sir,
My problem is still pending,
No call received from soyer DVD, as you said. The soyer DVD parts not avilable in local market and the managar Bhopal branch vishal mega mart said, " jo karna hai karlo DVD yaha nahi banwaya jayega, koi yaha repairing ki dukan nahi hai. meri jimedhary sirf gurantee tak hai."
Three time complaint note also in visit register, but not action taken by vishal mega mart bhopal.

kindly taken necessary action for above and below problems

navin kumar

--- On Fri, 30/10/09, navin kumar <[protected]@yahoo.co.in> wrote:

From: navin kumar <[protected]@yahoo.co.in>
Subject: Very bad service,
To: "[protected]@vrpl.in" <[protected]@vrpl.in>
Date: Friday, 30 October, 2009, 11:20 AM

Dear Sir/madam,

I purchase a (SOYAR company) DVD with USB port from Vishal mega mart Bhopal on dated 29.11.2007, This DVD fail to work approx under 5-6 months. I complain for it to your retail shop i.e. vishal mega mart, Bhopal . After Visiting 4 times they not repair the DVD. Then, the DVD replace by your retail shop, Bhopal . But once again, DVD not working approx 3-4 months (same problem comes again). Then they repair the DVD without any cost. Again dated 30.6.2009, the DVD got same problem once again. I requested to Sales mangaer (Name not given by Official) that once again for repair free of cost or replace the DVD on dated 14.7.2009. But they are not agreed to repair or replace the DVD without any cost. This complain also mentioned in your retail shop, Bhopal complain book (The page no. are not mention in complain book)

Please note that the DVD got Same problem again and again.

The address of manufacture or company SOYAR DVD not mention on DVD packet or warranty card. So it not possible to any complain to manufacturer company.

I am agreed to repair at on cost, but no authourised repair centar in Bhopal or not repaired by Vishal megar mart Bhopal after 10-15 time personally contact the manager.

Navin kumar

h-181, Yugantar complex,

awadh puri Bhopal

Mobile no.:[protected]

Email:- [protected]@yahoo.co.in
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Aug 13, 2020
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