[Resolved]  Freelancer — freelancer.com is fake

fleelancer.com is fake, they are eating the money of the freelancers , thay have taken my money 400$ and even they have done it to many , so donot sign up in it , or if you having account please remove it,,,,
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Aug 13, 2020
Complaint marked as Resolved 


I have had my share of troubles with Freelancer. I was awarded two projects and Freelancer charged a project fee of $5555.00 USD for the project " Content Writing" (ID:[protected] and $5000.00 for the project "Content Writing -- 2" (ID:[protected]. Then their record showed that the Freelancer.com account of your employer "mohanroy777" has been closed due to violations of their Terms and Conditions. I did not get the project but the fees was deducted from my account. Now they are not refunding the fees charged, a total of 10, 555 USD.
I have filed a petition against freelancer. I think all of you should sig it and also direct it towards your governments and other regulatory authorities https://www.change.org/p/speou9del-cbi-gov-in-block-freelancer-com-scam?recruite...
They had eaten my 450Euros and told it is a chargeback from a previous milestone of a completed project. Its 90% fraud + 10% genuine from my 6 experience with freelancer i am saying
I signed up on Freelancer a week ago. I was able to submit about 5 bids after completing my profile. I did not take their skill certification exams because that would mean using my credit card on an untested site even before knowing whether the site would work for me. I have a strong CV (28 years experience in top organisations) and I wanted to check how employers would respond to a strong profile and solid proposal.

While the projects I bid on have yet to be awarded, I started looking for other projects. Every project I tried to bid on kept saying: 'Before placing your bid, you must complete one of the following steps'. One was to 'like' them on Facebook. I did. But I could not go back and bid on the project. Likewise, I followed them on Twitter, invited 2 friends.

Nothing I did would let me bid. Now they offer other 'steps' like Enter a Contest or Take the Freelancer Orientation Exam. (And before some helpful soul points it out to me, I have checked and I DO have 3 bids left to utilize.)

Ultimately, they want to force me to take their certification exam AND verify my payment method.They should say so instead of giving me other options saying '...complete one of the following steps'.
It would be better if they had included an upfront fee for registration instead of camouflaging it after I register.

Because ultimately, clients who need a certification of any kind specify that in their job post and freelancers without that certification are any way barred from those jobs. Freelancers should be free to take their chances with the other clients.

In any case, the website has a terrific revenue model. So arm-twisting of freelancers even before they bid or before work is awarded to them is unnecessary and unwarranted and sneaky and clandestine.

Freelancer.com scam – suspends accounts but keeps your money

I have been hiring freelancers for at least 5 years now. I have tried and used all the websites out there which provide services of this kind. But let me tell you what I have experienced at Freelancer.com

2 weeks ago I posted a job on Freelancer.com. I then uploaded money to Freelancer.com, in order to pay one freelancer for a completed translation job. However, Freelancer.com DID NOT pay out the money to my freelancer. No - what they did, was to follow their usual routine of trying all the tricks in the book, in order to hold the money on their account. My freelancer had to face a myriad of various verifications, unreasonable and even ridiculous requests and requirements - but even though she complied with them all, money WERE NOT PAID OUT, till this very day. My freelancer finally wrote to me, that she had lost any hope to get the money from Freelancer, and that she will rather let Freelancer keep the money. However, I have conscience, and cannot let someone do the job without getting paid - so I encouraged her not to give up, and now took the matter into my own hands.

I submitted a support ticket, in which I clearly demanded Freelance.com to either pay my money to my freelancer, or to return the money to my credit card. 2 business days have past since then - no answer whatsoever - a complete silence.

What I can tell with 100% certainty, is that Freelancer.com staff has a very clear set of instructions, set up and given to them by the very top-leadership of the company. Since the majority of freelancers come from the 3rd world countries such as India and Pakistan, Indonesia etc., this scam site Freelancer.com knows that an average person from these countries, with poor English skills and zero knowledge of relevant laws, has no chance to fight back and force Freelancer.com to pay out the money. So what Freelancer.com does - they gladly allow freelancers to sign-up and immediately participate and place bid on the projects. They also gladly accept money from the hiring parties, such as me - no verification needed. Just send the money, man! But once the money are uploaded to their account - oh boy - that's when the party starts. Suddenly they become very concerned with security (allegedly - your own security!) and now need to "verify" both the freelancer and the hiring agent. Again - they didn't need any verifications in order to accept your money.

So - after they receive your money, they immediately create a "Wall of Verification". First they demand an ID copy (which, by the way, is illegal under both Australian law, and law of the most countries - private companies HAVE NO LEGAL RIGHT to demand copies of one's ID, as long the customer does not ask for services or products in credit). Now, if a freelancer from Pakistan or India complies with the illegal demand, and indeed sends their ID copy, Freelancer.com starts to demand for an ID in English letters - despite having the many years practice, and despite already knowing very well that IDs from these countries are only issued in native script. Then they ask for bank statements, and if a freelancer has no bank account (for example, a teenager or a woman from Asian countries) - sorry, we can't give you your money. Then, if by a miracle a freelancer somehow manages to satisfy all they demands, Freelancer.com then starts from the other end - starts "verifying" the hiring agent. Now, if the hiring agent has some understanding of the relevant laws, and refuses to send any sensitive IDs - they will simply keep the money.

Like I said - all of this is done deliberately, hoping that freelancers, especially those from 3rd world countries, after many unsuccessful attempts will finally lose patience and hope, and give up on their money held by Freelancer.com. Because, as in my case, if the payment is around 250, then the chances are slim that the average freelancer will ever get enough projects to generate the same amount in form of fees. And even if Freelancer.com is finally forced to pay out the money ( I guess 1 out 20 Asians probably manage achieve this), most often Freelancer.com will have kept the money for significant amounts of time, without paying the money owner any interest. In practice, this means that they daily get massive free loans, which, very often, are not even paid back. I assume, this strategy alone generates around 50% of Freelancer.com revenue.

So now, as of today, Freelancer.com official excuse to hold my freelancer's money, is that they are "reviewing" my - the hiring agent's account. They asked me to send them a copy of my ID - something that no private company can demand. Of course, I am not going to send any copies of my IDs or other sensitive documents, because of 2 reasons:
1. such request is simply illegal - IDs are highly sensitive personal documents, and only official state institutions can demand for it - not private companies as this one.
2. at least ninety percent (90%) of Freelancer.com customer support are outsourced to namely India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, etc. This means that their customer support is based in these countries. Any documents that you upload to Freelancer.com, can be accessed with one click by hundreds of 3rd world nationals, who can (and will) easily abuse and forge your ID and use it for financial crimes or terrorism.

Like I said, I have been hiring freelancers for many years, and I know these tactics in and out. However, I must say that Freelancer.com scores highest, as the most fraudulent site of them all. I am going to draw their criminal practices into the daylight. Already in 2015 they were sued and sentenced to pay a compensation to one freelancer whom they were abusing.
If you are a freelancer or a hiring party, remember, that I and my freelancer are not the only people whose money have been literally stolen - Google up "Freelancer.com“ and „scam", read Wikipedia and all the review-websites out there- there‘s only negative reviews, mixed up with some very few positive reviews, usually written in poor English, and certainly not by Freelancer.com itself. A pure scam site.

An update will follow.
Hello Sir,

Yes, Freelancer.com - the BIG SCAM agree. I have been charged for the monthly membership which haven't selected. and just they charged me for Rs 1999. But as my no account details has been updated they are not able to deduct it from account.

Please I think action should be taken on this.

Thank you
freelancer is fraud one...dont believe..i lost so my money...freelancer dhivya is fraud girl...she cheated me...her id [protected]@gmail.com. ..she got registration amount..then one time gave work...i submitted my work...but still now no payment to me...she is live in erode..dont go to dhivya
Stop this negativity, most of you that are complaining about freelancer.com have failed to adhere to guidelines and have made mistakes and blaming them!!! I have been working on their website since 5 years and had a great experience in all aspects, be it payments, clients, quality, on time support or whatever...

Guys, most of these negative comments are created by folks that belong to:

1 - competitors that cannot match freelancer.com's popularity
2 - are losers who make mistakes, don't care enough for terms and conditions, guidelines and think others can be blamed upon

https://howtofreelance.in/freelancer-com-scam/ - I wrote an extensive article proving why freelancer.com is not a scam and how you can get benefited by this wonderful platform.
Freelancer complaint

I have to give a mixed viewpoint. My experience with this site is 4 years long. I found my experience so far not so good overall.
I can say that some strange practices confirm somewhat the stories on this complaint board...I remember 2014 when I withdrew all my money from a previous milestone...400$...My freelancer.com account went to zero. The employer created another milestone and the site freelancer.com attempted to take fees for this milestone...through an e-check from my Paypal account...connected to freelancer.com...and to my Payoneer bank account...connected to Paypal...The e-check should then come from my Payoneer bank account through Paypal to pay the "fees"...Payoneer bank accounts are virtual and NEVER allow wire transfers nor any of such operations...payment was cancelled for sure and as a result, Paypal deleted the link with my Payoneer account, believing the bank account was invalid...In 2016...I paid for professional membership on freelancer.com...one month costs 9$...and they took around 20 dollars from my account...I received a mail "your pro membership is activated"...I had to cancel this membership and ask for a refund (one month) because I didn't intend to pay several months at once...I was refunded the whole amount...so my pro membership was also cancelled...I never took any membership again.

On the same year, I had to apply on two projects poorly written and not detailed. I had the feeling in this period as if the creators of the site (or other people, but not obvious because you have to pay fees to submit projects), « invent" projects whose title directly target your skills ... and once you apply, hired ! And if you accept the project, boom! They take their fees as soon as possible ... but never again any response from the "employer" who posted the project. I got screwed one time, and asked for a refund of fees. The customer service told me flatly that the fees are not refundable. I politely asked how to cancel a project. I had the procedure.
Two weeks later, same story... I applied, but I did not accept the project because the "employer" never answered my messages. I received emails from freelancer.com saying "hurry, accept the project before the employer changes its mind!". That I ignored. 48 h. Disappearance of employer and project. Since then, it has not happened again. Since recently the fees are taken when paid for work only, which is far better.
These clumsy attempts always including money from freelancers or employers panel a "not so serious" connotation to this site.

11 months ago I worked with a person or agency named ‘translingual’ (Chennai, India). The project was to transcribe 2 hours of audio, for 1 hour/30 dollars. I finished the 2 hours and sent the project before them saying me that they can pay me only after 7 days. (which ended up becoming 10 days without payment). A milestone were created on the site for 2 hours/60 dollars, and I’ve been paid for that after 10 days. However during the 10 days I worked on an additional 6 hours of transcription.

This is a link to the first project on the site, 60 dollars = 4010 ₹ have been paid:

I was never paid for the 6 additional hours. I sent files via PM for « verification », and I had promises to be paid, until the scammer stopped answering to my messages.
This is the profile of the person/agency I was dealing with: https://www.freelancer.com/u/translingual
On skype: Translingual Pvt

I am reminding and reviving them via PM and skype without success. The scammer is posting new projects on the same site, trying to scam more people.

What to do as a freelancer living at the opposite part of the world when bills are not paid?

I already contacted the website several times to report this problem. They’re helpless when it comes to recovering overdue payments and they do nothing about scams, once they have taken their « fees ».

Freelancer.com a plaform where a lot of fraud employers will come and they will get work from you and when you will ask them to refund money they makes a false complaint to support and the stupid support will make restriction on your account without checking or verifying everything. They will never listen freelancers but always stands in support of employers.
This is 3rd time when they restricted my bidding and started forcing me to refund money for completed work to employer. I had completed work for employer then he checked the work and was satisfied and then paid me and once after i was paid he made false complaint to support about me. Support didn't checked anything and made restriction on my bidding. This platform is a place where approx 80% fake projects are available. and approx 95% fraud or scammer employers will be come to offer you the project. Freelancer support is too much stupid and they will never stand for you and you will loose more than earn. after you will refund the money they will never return your project fee. So you are only with empty hand after your hardwork.

Stop using freelancer and boycott it. I will also file a case against this website to ban it in India as they are doing too much partiality with Indian freelancers.
I am a victim of Freelancer as well. I was chosen for a project and was asked to pay 12.99$ by the employer and they were continuously asking for payment with guaranteed refund which ended upto 500$. After continuous emails for a week i did not get any refund and the employer was closed due to violations by Freelancer when enquired. All the requests received were from fake employers. Is there anyway i can get my money back?
Hello everyone.
www.freelancer.com this website cheating their clients with many hiding fees. as they call "Third party fee" or "Processing fee". Which is not indicated during the payment. You may find this only in transaction history, after they cheated you. And there is no money refund for such kind of an action. Recommend everyone complain them, also through a Paypal
They show to clients one amount but in fact deduct other (much high). Dont recommend you to use this website to anyone
I joined freelancer.com back in 2010 under username TRACERSA . I worked day and night to establish that profile and after so much of hard work i managed to get 787 REVIEWS, 100% completion rate, 100% on time, 100% on budget and repeat hire rate 49%

Due to an UN INTENTIONAL violation they closed my account . They closed it with a very good TRICK, infact they cheated

Some screenshots of my profile and support email where they said all is good and still they closed it

let me tell all of you what happened with complete proof

I have worked with a customer under freelancer assistance, so called a RECRUITER project and once all was done, customer reversed the payment and i asked the support to help and they said, they cannot do anything if reversal is done

after a week same customer came with new username, i worked he did the same, i didnt knew it before he again reversed the payment and told in chat, STUPID I AM THE SAME GUY, i again informed the support and they did nothing

3rd time again same guy came under new username and location. just to confirm it he is same person or not, i told him i will not work via freelancer i will work via SKRILL, just to test him and check so if he is the same guy he would have not agreed.

he was not the same person, and i took the payment via freelancer, so that i dont breake the RULE, , , then after no where a month afterwards he told freelancer support that i asked him for the payment outside, though we made payment onsite, they issued me with a warning stating i should not do this again, i said sorry and they said not repeat it and i said sure and again said sorry

then after a few days, the recruiter/support agent asked me for a skype call so that they can ask me a few questions, i did that and i was told, now all is good, i am good to work again .. i said sorry again and told them i will not repeat that mistake again and made them feel okay ..

then he asked me a few questions which REALLY shocked me

1- It is not possible to have such stats . there must me some thing fishy . These are his exact words ... i told that agent, my working technique is, i never accept the project, once i complete it, , customer is happy then i accept and take payment . that is the main reason i am able to have such stats

2- He asked me, why i am taking offsite payments, i told him, proof me or send me one screenshot where i asked for outside/off site payment except on that only occasion, he had no answer to it

NOTE: He was just trying to look for any reason to close the profile, i still dont know why

In short after having lots of chats and tickets etc, i was told that i am all good and can continue to work . but before that i need to finish IN PROGRESS projects with perfection

i worked days and night to finish them ASAP .. when i did and received the payments, they SIMPLY closed my account

they claim that i violated TOS many times, just to give them an answer if they are reading, , , there is no where mention in any TOS of preferred freelancer that new task cannot be taken in new project.. i have worked or served this site for 10 years i never knew this, once they informed me i never did it . and they then keep on digging into old projects like 1 year ago... hats off to their team, they clear me or inform me today that i dont repeat this and they checking 1 year or even 2 year old project if i did in old project ... Still i paid all the fee for all projects by pointing myself to get rid of it

In last 8 years i got 2 warning, , , which were not server as they are not clear or mentioned anywhere ... Even their preferred test dont have any such question which state NEW TASK from RECRUITER client cannot be taken in new project

Must add this point in your test so people can be aware of this mysterious hidden rule. I can bet you all, they will never sort this issue as they are a bunch of robbers, playing with others

Freelancer cheat so many times they allow some people who don't pay but they have ongoing projects for 10-15 they only use freelancer
they hire and after work finish, they return money back and close employer accounts I decided to create a better site than them.

check and join to revenge freelancer

Be careful! Don't make deposits or leave your money at Freelancer! They steal your money, it's the only place where they charge you for leaving your money there, I lost $ 40 USD, I opened a claim (OYAB-7652-KAHM) reply me that are maintenance charges for my account. #mymoneyback #Iwontstop #freelancerscam

sorry to hear that it happened with you, did you get your amount recovered? what did they replied on your queries?
The employer Nidhi G. @preetisharma8745 assigned me a project about a university report to be submitted. I completed the project and gave it to her. The employer did not pay me for 10 days after that and had stopped responding so I raised a dispute.

The employer suddenly started responding proactively with abuses and started blackmailing me to close the dispute and only then she will pay me my money. I still went on with the dispute as I was hoping for a fair judgement from Freelancer.com.

But after paying for arbitration the Freelancer rep just came in and cancelled the dispute saying that this project violates the site's Terms and Conditions since it is an academic task.

I did not get paid for my work submitted and the employer who was the one who posted this project did not face any sort of problem. Nidhi was so shameless that she even left me a negative review saying that I should start trusting my employers. Whereas I did not even get an option to review her or not accept her review.

In this manner, this employer will start taking up more academic work tasks and won’t pay the freelancers. When the freelancers will dispute, the employers are the ones who will win each time. This employer Nidhi G. has completed 626 projects with only 66 reviews, how’s that possible? Where are the 560 people who could not review her like me? This seems to be a regular practice of this employer. I bet this is the case, as the reviews for Freelancer.com on the net are pretty ugly, with numerous people bring up this issue time and again. Something needs to be done here.

Why did I have to bear the brunt of completing and submitting the work to the employer? She got her work done for free, earned out of it and made me pay for it. There was no fault of mine in this and because of Freelancers oversight, I am facing defamation on my review page. If the rep who cancelled this case upfront, would have at least paid the freelancer for the work submitted, then this practice of the employer assigning academic tasks would have stopped. But I feel it’s just an escape route for Freelancer.com to favor the employer going by the numerous reviews online.

I want my money for the work that I submitted to Nidhi G. When she is at fault of assigning such projects, that are against Freelancer’s policies, then why should I bear the brunt?
ankur.suri's reply, Apr 4, 2021
Read this article and follow instructions to recover your money from freelancer.com

Freelancer is big fraud websit .. yah There is one company called data plus ..he or she told me to deposit security yah I paid it 1500 and again they told me to deposit 874 for agreement again I paid but they don’t give me work or assignment after all the payment and still not refund my money back .. not reply my message and not respond to me

I am an employer at freelancer.com and my experience was terrible with them too. I always get punished for not finding competent freelancers through their random e-mails that claim they "protect" freelancers. Reading some of the comments here, I can obviously see this is not the case.
Freelancer.com is a BIG SCAM site. They charged me as a CLIENT for 200 euros but then they do not release it to the Freelancer. Asking me to do ridiculous "verification" and still said it is not enough. Even though they had been keeping my money in the account for weeks. Now I can not get my money back and the freelancer cannot receive his hard earned money.

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