Delhi Development Authority [DDA] — In regard of constructing subway for Benito Juarez road south campus 110021
vishnu krit
from Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh
Mar 1, 2022
Address: Munirka 110067
Sir this is Vishnu choudhary of aryabhatta college of (delhi university )
Roll no MAT /20/26.sir/ma'am I am glad to inform you that, there is no subway or flyover for passing people from vasant gaom side to Benito Juarez road south campus 110021.sir from here lot many students and people will pass through road only where there is no traffic police and traffic light will stop only for few seconds, so there is threat to the life of people due to accident yesterday I just saved from accident due to conscious behaviour of motor rider .sir this is not for my self interest but for benefit of all .so sir please do the need as early as possible so that we won't loose faith in you .thanking you sir .
Your citizen
Vishnu choudhary
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