Good! Eli Pharmaceuticals values customer feedback and works quickly to address complaints. They handle issues regularly and provide solutions, making customers feel heard and supported, however, we would recommend that Eli Pharmaceuticals step up their efforts to fully resolve all complaints 👍
I have made 2 orders of melas hand sanitizer containing 4x50ml each having price of rupees 100. I made payment after that error page has been shown.
For two orders, I have paid 200 Rs through Paytm. No details of any order has been received on my phone number or email address. Either deliver the order or refund the money to the original source of payment....
I applied melas skin cream on my face over the affected areas of cheeks, chin and jaw line at night after washing my face clean. But in the morning my face was red, had tiny itchy pimples which made my extremely uncomfortable.Its two days now and its still not gone.I didnt use that cream again.What should I do?I want this reaction to go.
Reply urgently.This is serious....