GreenChef — Green chef mixer grinder - broken top

Dear sir,
I was presented with a Greenchef mixer on my 80th birthday by the MD of Sri Sankara tv, MR SRIRAM -Chennai.
I am the presenter of a cookery show- Pattu Vaithyam.
well I was very happy using your Greenchef mixie for the past 6 months happily, recommending your brand to many of my friends.
yester while making chutney I noticed that the top white piece in the base had come off ... now, since it is a gift, I do not want to complain to the channel. can someone come home and fix the mixie?
I must tell you all the 3 jars are so helpful and I am very happy with your product.
If this could be rectified i will be thankful to you.
My name is Revathy Sankarn.
You can verify with the Channel if you want to.
hoping that my mixie will be set right soon.
MY address:-
7, 8th Trustcross street
Chennai 28.
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