Sir, Allwyn colony, kp water supply is under society for decades. Water is not sufficient to us please take over the our supply by HMWSSB and arrange meters as soon as possible. Even society is decided to handover allwyncolony water supply to your board. Please hand over colony water supply and given can numbers as soon as possible.
Thanking you
Thanking you
Septic tank in our apartments - STONE HENGE APARTMENTS, STREET NO.8, JAWAHAR NAGAR, GANDHI NAGAR DIVISION, HYDERABAD -500020 as well as drainage overflow in the street since 3 days. Kindly resolve the issue immediately as it has become difficult to put Ganesh idol.
One month ago draining over flow but not responding Ghmc or Gandhamguda Hyderasharekot garamapanchayathi office not responding kids ki werail feewar ss. Contact [protected]
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+91 40 2343 3933
Administrative Office Building, Jalamandali, Khairatabad Road, Khairatabad, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India - 500004
The complaint number is 5037 and 6700 but no action has been taken till now!
Please send the appropriate team along with a pressure tanker to clean the drainage/sewer ASAP as it is causing inconveniences.