I-Cad Overseas / Icadvisas.com — Icad emmegration program is fake

Address: 411033

I have very worst experience with ICAD. At initial stages they will say you that they have contacts in CANADA and they will provide you interview call end etc. Once you paid money then they will not follow their promises. I have enrolled with them in 2015. and as they promised they have not provided single interview call throughout the year from their side. In their agreement they mentioned IF no visa fees will be refunded but, now they are not returning the fees.
Please do not try with ICAD it's worst and fake..

Thanks & Regards,
Pravin sonawane
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I-CAD Overseas / icadvisas.com customer support has been notified about the posted complaint.
Mar 13, 2017
Updated by [email protected]
Worst experience with ICAD, the fake consultancy. They Took around Rs. 54000 for visa processing. And give me commitment of 100% refund of consultancy fee if they cannot give the visa. And after a year they are refusing to pay the fees. I got no response from such fake companies. Their representetive Atreyee and K.Aziz are irresponsible. They have not provided a single interview call through out the year. Please nevery go with ICAD .. A Fake visa processing
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