Priority International — fraud company as no phones and emails reachable and no service available to members.

I had taken a membership from the priority international from pune in dec.2013.
Membership is pipu 0130 is given and i paid all payment by emi.
I come to understand now that the fraud is happened with me like all other members after going through the complaints raised by all.
Now i am going for fir immediately in police station against this fraud.
Please let me know the way to get back my money asap. Want to get refund asap against paid amount for six years.[ agreement copy can be shared ]
Details can be given as a supporting as and when required.
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Apr 21, 2018
Updated by Jagtap Rajendra
1, 25000 plus 6000 Rs as maint charges needs immediate refund.Update me the status or FIR will be launched soon in police station.
Apr 21, 2018
Updated by Jagtap Rajendra
Please correct my membership as PIPU 1030 in complaint.
If we are not getting response then how come consumer complaints will get the contact?
FIR is required or not please revert.
Complaint comments 


We took membership in 2016, but now no one is answering calls and emails. I seems all investment has been a waste. They are a big cheaters, I have invested 2.5 lacs for membership but now no one is responding to the phone calls or emails. Will get my hard earned money back. Won't leaves these fraud people just like that.
Is there a way we all sync up. I think they have too many cheated customers in Pune. Any idea if their office is operational?

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    Priority International Phone
    +91 20 6721 2629
    +91 20 6721 2641
    Priority International Address
    3rd Floor, "Suprem", ITI Road, Aundh, Pune, Maharashtra, India - 411001
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