I recently started the business with the referral of Ranjith kumar.while the referrer didn't explain me fully about the business and just now came to know the real business model. i am not interested in this kind of business.
So i request you to consider this mail as a refund and help me get my refund as soon as possible.
My product details are mentioned below-
Order No. DN69360770
- Tripsavr advance
Date- 23/07/2023
Amount- 1610$
Looking forward to hear a response from your side.
For reference here I attached my aadhar card, pan card, Qnet purchase related screenshot and Qnet id card.
Kindly do the needful.
My bank account details are as follows
Account number - [protected]
IFSC code -HDFC0000053
Branch - Koramangala bangalore.
IR ID- IM836207
PAN Card Number-AWDPT6701E
Mobile Number- +[protected]
SOP purpose I spent 5 to 6 months.
Please understand my situation.
Now only I learned about the QNET structure.
My refferer did lot of miss use. I will mention one by one
1. He collected money from me totally 147000 But the package price is 132000 only.
2. Before joining they informed it's like flipkart and amazon. But the reality is completely different.
3..The ID and password also I got last month only.
So kindly consider my refund request and please proceed further.
Please understand my situation also.
Was this information helpful?
Please forward evidence by email to us on [email protected].
Never share any personal information and never download any app.
Crime branch
Collect all the details from the complaint . And proceed for further. Or else please mail me from your official mail id. I will share all the details.