Address: Online and Nexus mall |
Scam Alert
Confirmed Beware of Sangeetha online/store/app Scam (False marketing)
I purchased a phone via sangeetha app just be a victim of a scam...
While purchasing the phone on exchange on their official website/app I got a exchange bonus offer given by Sangeetha app/website and used the same code as recommended by sangeetha app and made the purchase via online payment
Post placing the order the delivery boy came to my house, used my exchange phone and later claimed I should have not got the exchange bonus as there is no discount and upfront demanded for 5000 rs extra cash and he just took off without any update or resolving the query blaming it on the sangeetha online team...though I have proof of complete payment made along with the invoice via sangeetha official website/app
Now as per Sangeetha policy and official website details/fake marketing the product should have been delivered within 2 hours as mentioned by their website/app, however it's been beyond 48 hours and no resolution...
Sangeetha Executives are just passing the ball and blaming between online and store team...
They are also taking me on conference calls on internal discussions where again they are blaming their own teams where no resolution and only asking for time..
I don't understand what is online and offline teams... I am sure they all work for Sangeetha...
Thank you Sangeetha Mobiles for the worst experience and for ruining the occassion as it was supposed to be a gift..
Say no to Sangeetha online fake marketing and not so trustworthy app as now I am worried about data breach as the sangeetha delivery boy used my exchange phone and then denied in handing over the ordered product and claimed that the official Sangeetha Mobiles online app is wrong...
Post the torture of passing my call from team to team and executive to executive with no resolution The customer care executive on a recorded line says "Do what you want we don't care"
I am writing this post to raise awareness so people don't fall victim to data security and cyber crime as after making payment meeting all the criteria for the exchange product and not handing the product questions the integrity of the brand
What made me write this post is because of the rude behaviour of the customer care executives and blaming their own team and Brand with no resolution..
Update: phone was not delivered as per their 2 hour delivery mentioned in Sangeeta app/website as I had to go to the store to collect the same
This is a confirmed scam as they took 5000rs extra and have not mentioned it in the invoice provided by the store..
Post checking my exchange phone by Sangeetha team the value of the exchange is 5100 rs and no exchange bonus was given though it was confirmed by the official Sangeetha website as the staff says this code is not applicable but I am not sure on what basis the invoice is generated both online and store copy and how can a coupon code be applicable on a specific product on their official website when staff claims there is no exchange bonus..
And above all this they are arguing my phone value is only 5000rs and not 10000rs and just bluffing on recorded calls...
Team Sangeetha instead of arguing, please see the screenshot and let me know how the exchange bonus is not applicable/considered as per your verbal discussion but however exchange bonus is reflecting in your invoices and is applied against the product I have purchased on your official website/app and is clearly reflecting the exchange bonus on the online and store invoice provided by you. However an extra 5000 rs was taken from me and the same has not been updated in the invoice...
My worry is not because I was denied of exchange coupon being applicable but how can Sangeetha promote false information on your official website and later staff denying about the exchange bonus after recieving the payment and checking my exchange phone and then taken 5000 rs extra and not given updated invoice Ideally this should have been discussed before
Order no 654211
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