[Resolved]  Snapdeal.com — snapdeal product cancellation/replacement blunder


Hi, i'm a doctor writing this complaint letter against snapdeal.com regarding the following order,

Order id: [protected]
Placed on: 04 august, 2017
Product name: activa 32d60 80 cm (32") full hd (Fhd) led television.
Product value: rs. 10, 856/-

I'll try to give you as much detail as possible, because the pain and torture suffered by me is so immense that it will be diluted if i try to make it any shorter.
I placed my order using my snapdeal account on 4th august 2017 at 04:30 pm. After waiting for 14 days the product was delivered to me on 17 august 2017. I had taken permission from the hospital to accept delivery as the courier agent faced difficulty finding my address. I spent nearly 30 minutes and rs. 20/- worth of petrol for my motorcycle to accomplish this task.
Installation was scheduled and i got a call that the installation agent will come next day. Next day, the technician called me during duty hours, so again i had to ask permission from the hospital to accomplish this task. The tv technician opened the product (I hadn't opened the product as it was packed in a rectangular box made of wooden boards nailed shut on all sides. I didn't have the necessary tools to open it) and fitted the tv stand using screws. He then removed the cover from the tv switched it on and showed a small demo and took leave. I didn't have the time to check the tv myself as i had to go back to the hospital and resume my duties. I spent an hour and rs. 20/- worth of petrol to accomplish this task.
I didn't check the tv for 2 more days as i was very busy. On third day, when i had some free time i connected my laptop to the tv using hdmi cable and tried to change the resolution to 1920x1080p but couldn't change it beyond 1366x720 p. I tried all the settings in my laptop and tv but to no avail. I thought since i bought a full hd tv, the resolution can go upto 1080p and not 720p as was the case, but couldn't figure out the problem. So, i thought of checking the outer box of the tv for any clue. To my utter shock and surprise the words"hd"were printed on the box and not"fhd"or"full hd". The ground beneath my feet moved a little or atleast that's what i felt psychologically. I was utterly disappointed & broken, that after waiting for more than 15 days, and paying the full amount in advance (Rs.10, 856/-), i've been given a wrong product by snapdeal. The sorrow changed into anger as i felt that my precious time had been wasted. So, i decided to go to the"order's page"of my snapdeal account and place a replacement/cancellation request. After doing that i got an sms that the order has been cancelled and it will be picked up in 2 days time. The"orders page" also got updated accordingly.
I started waiting anxiously for the pickup.in the meantime, i contacted snapdeal customer care on [protected] and requested them to replace the tv if possible or else return my money back. The customer care executive assured me that he will ask the seller to give replacement as first preference if possible.
But i got an e-mail from snapdeal that they cannot pick up the product as my address is outside the service area. Instead they requested me to pack the tv in its original packing with all the accessories and bills and courier it to the address given in the e-mail [chennai vulcanq, #5 adam thanery lane, dr abdul kalam street, nagalkeni, chromepet, chennai-600044]. It's 325 km away from me. They also said that they will refund the courier charges after i upload a scanned copy of the courier receipt.
They had committed the mistake of sending me the wrong product and instead of taking responsibility, they asked me to do the job for them. What job? Sending a 32 inch tv which weighs almost 6 kg with all the outer package materials, back to them. Did they think they were asking me to do a small job? It's not a pencil box, that i'll put it in my pocket, go to courier office and parcel it. It's a behemoth task given the size of the town i live in and the system of our country india runs on. They even had the audacity to tell that i have 5 days to send the tv back failing which they will cancel my return request. I did not take it seriously at first, because i thought there might be some other way of solving this issue. I was busy with my work in the hospital and was thinking of calling the snapdeal customer care regarding this problem. But guess what? They sent me another e-mail reminding me that i have only 72 hours more to send the tv back or else they will cancel the return request. I developed cold feet. I thought if i don't do what they asked, i'll lose my rs.10, 856/- as the 32 inch tv was of no use to me. I got mentally stressed that i have only 72 hours and one day out of those 3 days is a sunday, one day is a holiday (Ganesh chaturthi) (Friday) and next day, saturday, i was busy with patients in hospital. So i decided that i'll do this job next day on friday itself (Ganesh chaturthi), sooner the better. I was mentally stressed due to the ultimatum forced upon me by snapdeal and the thought of losing my money. I spent my evening planning about this problem.
Next day, i sat in the hall thinking of how to pack this big tv as i had zero previous experience of packing such a huge 32 inch tv. I'm not trained to do that job. It felt so absolutely ridiculous to me that snapdeal is making me do that job.
I decided that i needed to buy a screwdriver first to remove the stands of tv, otherwise it will not fit in the box. I went to a hardware store, bought a screwdriver worth rs.40/- and came back and tried removing the screws. But the screwdriver didn't match the screw size. Mission failed.

Torture summary: rs. 40/- spent on screwdriver, rs. 10/- for petrol, riding in hot sun, 15 minutes wasted, physical strain.

I had to go back to the same hardware shop and argue with the shopkeeper for replacing the screwdriver with another one for the same price. I got another screwdriver and came back.

Torture summary: rs. 10/- for petrol, riding in hot sun, 15 minutes wasted, physical strain.

I unscrewed the screws and single-handedly lifted the tv, kept it in between thermocol casing, placed it in the box, along with all the accessories and documents. I kept the tv back in the wooden casing in which it came. But now, i faced the problem of sealing the wooden box, with 2 wooden bars on top, which had been broken by the tv technician while opening it. I figured that i needed a hammer and some iron nails, which i didn't have because i was not a carpenter. Mission failed.

Torture summary: 30 minutes wasted, physical strain, mental strain, working with the risk of getting physically injured by the sharp iron nails or broken tiny sharp ends of the wooden bars and getting a tetanus infection.

Finally, i decided that i'll nail the wooden bars in the courier office as they might have the necessary tools and also if they want to inspect the product before accepting it. My next task was to call an auto-rickshaw as i couldn't transport the huge tv on my bike with all those iron nails and wooden pieces and risk injury or taking a risk of damaging the tv, if it falls down. So i drove my motorcycle to the nearest street corner and to find an auto rickshaw. I found 2 or 3 auto rickshaws with no drivers. Then i searched further and finally found one, i had to haggle with the driver and he accepted to take the tv to the courier office for rs.150. I was thinking at the back of my head that i'm losing money trying to parcel this tv but then i could ask snapdeal to reimburse my expenses along with the courier charges. Such a big company like snapdeal would surely do so. So the auto rickshaw came to my house. We lifted the tv placed it in his vehicle & i started riding in front while the auto rickshaw followed me.

Torture summary: rs. 10/- petrol wasted, riding in hot sun, 15 minutes wasted, physical strain, mental strain, had to haggle with the auto driver.

We searched for fedex courier office as one of my friend had directed me. Upon arriving there we couldn't find the office and upon asking so many pedestrians, one of them informed us that the fedex courier office had moved to another location in a small shopping complex. We drove there and the driver unloaded the tv on the steps of the complex and asked for rs.50/- extra for the excess amount of distance travelled. I gave him rs.200/- and he left. I saw the fedex courier company on the big board denoting the shop no. And floor. I asked the shopkeepers and the security guard about the courier company details. They informed me that they had the vacated the complex and moved to a different town. It appeared to me that my friend was ill-informed. I was so depressed and disappointed that i cannot explain it in words.

Torture summary: rs. 200/- wasted, rs.50/- petrol for my bike wasted, 60 minutes wasted, riding in hot sun sweating profusely, physical strain, mental strain, depression and disappointment suffered.

I was standing near the shopping complex entrance like an orphan. There was no one to help me. I didn't know what to do with such a huge tv. I can't move it myself, and hence decided that i should call another auto-rickshaw and try the blue dart courier office. I asked the security guard to look after the tv while i go and call an auto-rickshaw. I came back after haggling with the driver (Everyone knows how this country works), loaded the tv and moved ahead.

Torture summary: rs. 10/- petrol for my bike, 30 minutes ride, had to haggle with the driver, had to request the poor security guard to guard the tv, faced embarrassment.

We went to blue dart company and found out that it was closed. Then we thought of going to dtdc courier company, and fortunately the auto driver knew the courier agent personally, and gave me his cell number. I called the dtdc courier agent and asked him whether they are open for business. Unfortunately, he replied that they are closed. So i told the driver that we should go to professional courier office.
We reached the professional courier office, and to my surprise and jubilation, it was open. I went in and asked the lady seated at the counter that i have a 32 inch tv to courier. She asked me to wait inside while she spoke to her senior manager in the next room. She came back and informed me that they don't accept tv's for parcel. They can't take the risk of transporting such a big tv, that it might get damaged. Even after requesting her courteously, she refused to accept the tv.
By this time, i was losing patience along with any hope of sending the tv and getting my money back. Next day saturday, i was too busy treating the patients and sunday is a holiday. And also i had spent so much money, time and manpower on this tv already... I was in a dilemma as i couldn't take the tv back and also i couldn't parcel the tv. Again the misery and frustration which i was suffering was so unbearable that i cannot explain it in words.
I asked the driver to take the tv to st courier office. That was also closed and the cell number given was not reachable. Then the driver asked me whether to take the tv back home. I half-heartedly told let's take it back home as there was no other courier office left in town.
But suddenly it struck me that there was one arc parcel service office which serves south india alone. And as the address given to me by snapdeal was in chennai, so...
So i asked him to go to arc parcel service office which is predominantly, a lorry (Truck) parcel service office who ship large machineries. I asked them whether the tv can be sent by parcel to chennai. To my surprise, after seeing the delivery address he said they will accept the tv for delivery. But on one condition, that they don't do door delivery of the products unless large amounts of products are sent to the same address or very large machineries or equipments are sent.
I couldn't take the tv back home after facing so much difficulties bringing it there. I thought if i can suffer so much for the mistake of snapdeal, then surely the snapdeal will take some responsibility and take the product from the arc delivery office back to their warehouse. So i said ok to arc parcel agent and handed him the tv.
The auto-rickshaw driver charged me a whooping rs.300/- for the transport of the tv and for wasting his time. I had no other option but to give him rs.300/-. My heart was crying while thinking that what if the snapdeal company does not reimburse the extra charges spent on transportation. But i had faith in them because all this was happening because of their fault, so they will take some responsibility.

Torture summary: rs.300/- wasted, rs. 50/- on petrol for my bike, 2 hours time wasted, riding in hot sun sweating profusely, physical strain, mental strain, frustration and disappointment, lunch missed, exhaustion and dehydration.

The arc parcel agent requested me to give a photocopy of the tv bill so that he can attach it to the courier documents as a proof for value of the product. I rode to a xerox shop, got 2 photocopies (One for me) came back and waited for 15-20 minutes for all the paperwork to get over. I was charged rs.550 as courier charges. After paying and getting the courier receipt and with the assurance that it will reach arc pallavaram parcel office in chennai safely in 4 or 5 days time. I left the courier office completely exhausted and broken both physically and mentally. Even the shirt on my back was drenched with sweat. My vision was blurry, i didn't have energy to speak, i was thirsty, hungry, and feeling dizzy. This is how i completed the task forced upon my by snapdeal.

Torture summary: 30 minutes time wasted, rs.10/- on petrol for my bike, left courier office thirsty, hungry, exhausted and broken.

I sent an e-mail to snapdeal that very night angrily, that they had forced me to do that job, that i was not their servant. I also wrote about the extra expenses incurred by me along with the courier charges. Hence i asked them to pay me rs.500 extra other than rs.550 courier charge. I also mentioned in the mail that this parcel service does not do door delivery that they have to go in person to take the tv. They have to take their office seal as proof. I will send them another e-mail when the product reaches chennai giving them the details about courier office address and contact number. I attached the courier receipt with the e-mail pressed sent and went to sleep.
I waited anxiously for the tv to reach the arc pallavaram parcel office, worrying that the tv might get damaged or something might happen. I couldn't sleep properly for 4-5 days. Just imagine the amount of pain i was suffering.
After 5 days, i contacted the chennai arc parcel service main office and gave them the awb no. They confirmed that the tv had reached in pallavaram office and the addressee can come and pick it up. They gave me the pallavaram delivery agent contact no. And instructed me to contact them for delivery and further queries.
In the meantime, i received an e-mail from snapdeal that my courier charges had been processed and will show up in my account in 4 days. I had given them my account number in my previous e-mail when they had requested for it. But they said that they will not be able to reimburse me the extra charges i had incurred in completing the task which they had forced me to do. I felt cheated and had stabbed in the heart. I felt like crying. I couldn't bear the fact that snapdeal had wasted rs.500/- my own hard earned money for their mistake. They had cheated me after all i had gone through for them. Again i have no words to describe the pain and sorrow, i felt at that time. It's too painful to even remember, while i'm writing this letter. I sent them an e-mail thanking them for not sending me my hard earned rs.500 back. I told them how i felt. How they had cheated me for their own mistake. How they had made me work like a servant, i have nothing more to say regarding this. I'm shattered and broken still.
Once the product reached chennai, i sent an e-mail to snapdeal requesting them to take the delivery of the product in arc parcel service, pallavaram, chennai. I gave them the arc delivery agent contact no. I didn't forget to say thanks and bye in the e-mail.
I waited for 2 days thinking they need some time to take delivery. But they sent me an e-mail that they had not received the product at their warehouse and to send it so that they can process my refund. So i sent me them an e-mail again confirming that the product is lying in the arc delivery office in pallavaram, chennai. I gave them agent contact no. And requested them to take delivery.
They sent me an e-mail again that i should contact the courier office to co-ordinate the delivery of the product to their warehouse. I mailed them again that arc courier service does not do door delivery and i was forced to choose this company because, all other companies refused to accept the tv. So i told them that the mistake or shall i say blunder was theirs and they should take up some responsibility and pick up the product from the arc office, pallavaram. I saw on google maps, that both the arc pallavaram office and chennai vulcan express office were separated by barely 2 kilometres.
Guess what happened next? They sent me the same e-mail again. Oh my god! Snapdeal was torturing me like hell. I was so worried that the product is lying in the courier office for so many days that it might get damaged. So i contacted the arc delivery agent myself and he told me that it's been 7 days since the tv had arrived and no one came to collect it. He asked me for the delivery address contact no. So that he may ask them to come to his office. So i sent an e-mail to snapdeal requesting them to send me the delivery warehouse contact no. Of chennai vulcan express (It belongs to snapdeal). Guess what happened? They didn't give me any contact no. Instead they sent me the same e-mail requesting me to coordinate the delivery.
I'm living in another town which is 325 km away from chennai. How can they ask me to co-ordinate the delivery after all that i've done for them? It was much easier for them to simply contact the arc delivery agent no. And take delivery. But they don't even do such a simple task. Pathetic, simply pathetic! So, i contacted snapdeal customer care on [protected] and angrily asked how can they expect me to do more than what i had already for them? How can they torture me mentally by sending the same e-mail again & again & again? Why can't they just take the product by contacting the delivery agent no. And give my money back?
The customer care guy was trying to explain me that they don't have people working in the warehouse to do this job. So i asked them, who am i? Does he think that i'm his servant who will work for him? That i'll try to correct snapdeal mistakes. I told him not to torture me anymore. I spoke to him until my throat got dry, until my throat started aching. He assured me that my problem will be resolved within 48 hours and not to worry.
Guess what happened next? I got the same e-mail again after 2 days asking me to co-ordinate delivery. Can you believe these guys? I had lost my cool, lost my patience. I couldn't bear any longer, i was going mad. Well i'm mad because i'm writing such a long letter. I called the snapdeal customer care again. I had to explain my whole story again until my throat got dry because each time i call a new guy picks up and he doesn't understand my pain and suffering. I explained to him in detail. He assured me that his name is jitender and he will speak with his senior and he will do anything in his power to get this issue resolved within 24-48 hrs.
Guess what happened next? I receive the same mail again. This time i contacted the arc delivery agent myself and he replied it's been more than 12 days and no one has come to pick the tv. I requested him shamelessly in spite of knowing about their company policy whether he will personally deliver the product as a favour for me. He politely replied, they don't do it. I told him that i will reimburse whatever expenses he incurs in delivering the product. I was prepared to give him rs.1000/- for delivering the tv. He told me to give him some time until he scouts the delivery address first as he does not want to roam around with a huge tv in a huge city like chennai. I thanked him and started waiting.
I called him after 24 hrs, he said he was busy, and he will try tomorrow. I called him again, he replied he will go tomorrow. I called him for third day, he got little irritated and cut the phone. I waited for 2 more days but i didn't get a call. The tv was lying in the delivery office for more than 17 days and i was going hysteric. I was entering into depression. My entire life was revolving around this problem. I was thinking about it day and night. Some days, i'll wake up at 4:00 am in the morning and sit in my bed in darkness and think about how to solve this problem. How to get my money back and i was going mad. I tried contacting snapdeal customer care. They had blocked my numbers i guess. Because i couldn't reach the representative. I was being cycled through the computerised voice and not given the option to speak to them. No matter what option i press, i couldn't get the option to speak to them, only the computerised voice kept repeating over and over and over. Going crazy.
Finally i decided to call my doctor friend in chennai and ask him to take the tv from the arc parcel office and deliver it to the chennai vulcan express personally. I was feeling so low, so bad asking him to leave his job in a multispeciality private hospital to do my silly job, or shall i say snapdeal's silly job. I explained him my problem and he agreed to help me after a couple of days as he was busy with his duty. He told me to contact both the offices and get permission before hand, whether they have any problem if my doctor friend comes and takes delivery of the product and gives it to vulcan express in person.
I contacted the arc delivery agent no. And he instructed me to send him an e-mail requesting him that my friend is coming to take delivery of the tv and that i accept full responsibility. I sent him the e-mail. Job half done. I sent 2 more e-mails on 2 different days to snapdeal asking whether they have any problem if my friend delivers the tv to their warehouse in person. Guess what? They never responded. I called my friend again and he promised to do it on monday 11-september 2017. He was busy.
Next day, on tuesday 12 september, 2017 - i told my friend to take the tv from arc parcel office, pallavaram and try delivering it to vulcan express, if they accept, fine or else take it home and we will think about what to do next. On tuesday 12 september 2017, my friend tried to go to arc parcel office, but unfortunately he faced so much difficulty in finding the correct address. On top of that, it was raining heavily in chennai. I was working as usual and he was calling me repeatedly requesting me to help him in locating the arc parcel office. I was being disturbed so many times while treating patients, but what can i do? He was helping me to do snapdeal's job. I had the responsibility to help him. So i was helping as much as possible on phone. He was not able to ask help from pedestrians as everyone was taking shelter from the rain in the shops and no one was present on the roads. I could only imagine the difficulties he would have faced that day, i could feel the pain in his voice.
Somehow with help from the courier agent, my friend found out pallavaram arc parcel office and took delivery of the tv after paying rs.50/-. Also point to be noted that his time is also being wasted just like mine, he is wasting petrol by driving his car all around the city trying to help me and he was also exposed to physical and mental strain because of this problem.
He then had difficulty finding the chennai vulcan express office and unlike arc pallavaram office there was no contact number. Only god knows how much we both friends suffered in finding the vulcan express office. He found the office after searching for an hour.
He said that the vulcan company board was so small that it was hidden by the overgrown leaves of a tree. When he tried to contact the people inside the premises, he was informed that a chennai vulcan express had vacated the premises 2 or 3 months ago and were no longer staying there. Oh my god! Can you believe it, how can they give an address to deliver the tv where the office has already vacated the address 2 months ago?. Just imagine how my friend would have felt. After facing so many hurdles in finding both the office addresses in thundering rain, missing duty, wasting time, wasting petrol with so much physical & mental strain and all his efforts wasted.
After my friend went through all that suffering, the final result was that he took the tv home. The delivery address given to me by snapdeal was non-existent. How can they do this to me? I apologized to my friend and asked him to keep the tv until we decide what to do next. Guess what happened next? The snapdeal company which refused to respond to my e-mails or allow me to speak to their customer care executive finally sent me an sms on 12 september 2017, you will not believe what was written in that sms.

(Sent to me by bh-snapdl on 12 september 2017 at 3.50 p. M via sms)
Return request: we would request you to send the item at our hyderabad warehouse instead of chennai. (Hyderabad address : vulcan express,
Door no. 3-4/3
Survey no.: 195, 198
Village: kandlakoya, mandal; medchal
District: rangareddy, hyderabad, 506100). If you have already sent the item, we'll process your request as soon as it reaches us.

Are these snapdeal guys joking? What is going on? How can they do such a thing to me? I have gone into borderline depression, me writing such a huge letter is proof. I've never written such a big letter in my lifetime ever. My life has been totally obsessed by this problem for past 45 days. I'm not able to sleep properly, waking up many times in the night. I'm getting dreams about this problem. I'm suffering from gastritis & indigestion because i don't sleep properly and keep worrying. I'm taking medicine for gastritis everyday. I'm so depressed that i really don't feel well. The happiness, peace and serenity of my life has been destroyed. I don't feel like working anymore because i feel sad all the time, even when i'm not thinking about this problem. My family & friends are worried about my mental state. I'm afraid that this snapdeal company is going to destroy me. Please help me,

All this happened just because i bought a tv on snapdeal.com.
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Oct 26, 2017
Complaint marked as Resolved 
Snapdeal.com customer support has been notified about the posted complaint.
Verified Support
Sep 26, 2017
Snapdeal.com Customer Care's response
Dear MitK,

We regret the inconvenience caused. This is to inform you that we have taken a note of your concern and will get back to you with an update soon. Please connect with us on [protected]@snapdeal.com in case you require further assistance in the interim.

Team Snapdeal
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