The complaint is regarding Bajaj Food Processor model FX-11. After complaint in Feb 2021, the service person visited twice - on 20 and 23 Feb. On both occasions he could not understand the problem and its solution and was told that he requires some spare parts which have to be ordered. After 23rd Feb, he never returned back and took service charge of INR250.00. Instead I received a sms that the complaint will be closed as issue has been resolved!!
After again complaining via email to [protected] and [protected] on 4th March 2021 that the issue has not yet been resolved; another service person came twice. He also said that a particular part needs to be changed and that he will return back with spare part in a week. Since then, till date there has been no response from the company or the person concerned.
I feel cheated as a reputed company is not able to resolve a issue in more than a months time.
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