I purchased a fan of captioned model from Glow Fast Electronics Pvt. Ltd., Sahibabad on 05/10/2014 vide Bill No. 2990. I am not at all satisfied with the quality of product I've got from Bajaj. This fan is giving problem from the day one, its making alot of noise. Immediately I logged a complaint vide no. 6807072. After lodging complaint the technician visited us after 7-8 days and resolved the problem by putting some oil in it. Since it was not used much immediate after the purchase/installation as it was off season and when we've again started using it again the same problem started. Again a complaint was lodged vide complaint no. 6864701 dt. 30/04/15 (approx.). Against this complaint the technician visited on us after 2 days and left within few mins. stating that I've to catch train hence cannot attend the complaint. The problem remained unattended. One more thing I would like to mention here that the person came was very much smelling when he removed his shoes to enter in, his socks were smelling badly. We had to move out leaving all doors and windows open for few mins. to get the environment refreshed. After waiting for someone to attend our problem when no one turned up, I again called the customer care to report this incidence and re-logged the complaint vide complaint no. 6864749 today. This time the technician came within few hours but the resolution he give to the problem is, took little bit of cooking oil from our kitchen and put few drops in the fan. Its very surprising that a technician is not carrying any machine oil or grease. Will the refined oil not damage the product.
It is requested to get it replaced. In case my problem is not sorted out urgently, I'll be forced to move to the consumer court at your risk and cost. Also will escalate this issue publically so that other innocent people be saved to get harrassed like i have been.
If anyone wants can talk to me over phone @ [protected] (Dhirendra Singh) Was this information helpful? |