[Resolved] Big Bazaar / Futurebazaar / Future Retail / Hometown — fresh pure ghee
Rupa Sravani
from Hyderabad, Telangana
Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh
I have purchased 1kg fresh pure ghee day before yesterday from the big bazaar, the executives there praised the store like anything bluffing that it is very different and so! I am a patient and am adviced to intake ghee every day! On consulting the head executive over there, they confirmed me that it is pure! But to my surprise when i melted it to transfer it into a container, it changed its color and is tasteless!! Are you fooling the customers?? I am a patient! Is big bazaar responsible if anything happens to me?
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Jan 10, 2019
Complaint marked as Resolved
Big Bazaar / FutureBazaar / Future Retail / HomeTown customer support has been notified about the posted complaint.
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