Customer satisfaction rating Customer satisfaction rating is a complex algorithm that helps our users determine how good
a company is at responding and resolving complaints by granting from 1 to 5 stars for each
complaint and then ultimately combining them all for an overall score.
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+91 12 4415 8000
10th Floor, Tower B & C, DLF Building No.5 (Epitome), Cyber City, DLF Phase III, Gurgaon, Haryana, India - 122002
Dear sir, I am lenin raghavan from kerala. complaing more than 5times. How it shows there is no complaintyet. It is yourcompany that is why complaints are not counting. This Indian consumer complaints forum? why this forum not do any action against my complaints.Fromjanuary 2009 I pay cash and waiiting the gift. If it is false. you can announce that this not real . it is false. we cannot do any action.whenever I get a reply upto that time I will remain complaints to this page. trhis is working for consumers complaints . is iot real. then please do action for the above complainst. 2008 DECEMBER THEY DECLARED THAT BINEESHLENIN MSW 2008 WINNER. NOW IN MARCH ALSO THEY DECLARED SOMEBODY. BUT DECEMBER WINNER DID NOT GET PRIZE. IS IT JUSTICE ? RIGHTEOUS? PLEASE GIVE ANSWERS TO VIEWWERS. ? MICROSOFT CO. IS A FAMOUS CO. IF YOU CANNOT GIVE PRIZE WHY DECLARE? CHEATING THE CUSTAMERS (MAKE MONEY THEIRE OWN RESPECTED PARCEL, CURIER CO, MAKE PROFIT TO THE PARCEL CHARGE( FOR THREE [PAPERS THERE CHARGEING 23200RS WITHIN 3 DAYS DELIVERY? CUSTAMERS CAN PAY CASH AND BLACK MAILING THROUGH THIS PARCEL COMPANYS? NO RESPONSE. THANK YOU VIEWER S . LENIN RAGHAVAN PLS.[protected]. i HANDOVER MY PETITION TO THE GODALMIGHTY? AMEN