Address: Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh |
For Online Movie Ticket booking, I recharged my Easy movies account([protected]) with money and booked ticket for two times and left it free for 2 months with a balance of Rs 65.04 as I haven't booked any ticket. But when I checked my Account balance in Sep 2014, I found that, an amount of Rs.22.48 is being deducted every month without any prior intimation to me.It was deduced 2 times till now and when I tried to contact them, they haven't provided any contact number.They are charging money at the time of ticket booking and at the time of recharging the account but I don't know why they are charging every month without any notice, even its not mentioned in Terms and Conditions. I tried to unsubscribe from Easy movies web site but cannot be done. Kindly help in this issue.
Thanks and regards,
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