Ethical Technologies — regarding complaint against client kalaivani

Hello to everyone...

Kalaivani t, she accept all terms and condition from our company then pay rs.1500 took a job from our company. Then we provide 150 pages to her mail id after 15 days she submit only 102 pages. For that 102 pages we are provided the quality checking report. She accepted her fault.

Then she took her second project pay rs.1100 but she didn't submit that project... After we are refund her initial payment rs.1500+rs.1100=rs.2600... Now she frame wrong information about our company

We are going to take a legal action against her... And also i'm attach all proof below
+3 photos
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Reply to Ethical Technologies:

If Kalaivani makes fault in the project and accepted her mistakes means then why did you refund her money...
TO :
Prem Kumar M,
Managing Director,
Ethical Technologies,
Respected Sir,
I joined the Ethical Technology Solution work from home. I paid Rs 2600 for 2 projects and work. But as Lavanya said, it did not give my income. I only received Rs 2600 which I paid after I complained to you about them. And also Pooja said that, Lavanya is currently on vacation and will talk about your salary after she arrives. A month has passed and there is no response from your company yet.
Then I only recorded the experience I had with your company in the consumer complaints. But you replied that it was your company that I had misrepresented and was going to take legal action against me (she frame wrong information about our company We are going to take a legal action against her ...)
I am also prepared to face if you file a lawsuit against me. I am also going to take legal action against your company.
1) For cheating without paying for the work I did.
2) For registering a false accusation against me.
3) And for making me depressed for 6 months.
May I file a lawsuit against you?
If you file a lawsuit against me or I file a lawsuit against you, the Bank Account Transfer Information Act of your company known to me will be known.
"There are no laws you don't know"
I only ask you for my income. I do not expect any penalty from you.
When will you pay my income?
Kalaivani T's reply, Sep 18, 2020
[email protected]
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