Myteam11 — csk vs srh 23rd april 2019 match abandoned

Address: 110032

Post match started my team 11 abandoned the match without any notice and called the CUSTOMER CARE they are saying server issue due to that match is abandoned. Today i was lucky day for me so i thought i will win match but instead of that ###T excuse they are giving and i found some phishy work going on internally.. They have 2 option to play regular and safe i created 18 team four different contest under safe games and they pissed of our happiness and also they are saying regular server has no issue. Which is again a big cheating i feel same company how is it possible one is working and other is not. My details are below
team name : keever
email id: [protected]@gmail.Com
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I request withdrawl on 16th from my team11 account still not credited into my bank account. Please help me to credit my account. The problem occur most of the user. This sites cheating many users.

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