So far, so good. RAM ERP Solutions is working on building a stronger response system and taking steps to address most of the complaints. While there's room for growth, their efforts show a positive trend in customer support. We hope RAM ERP Solutions will keep up the work and continue to help more customers with their concerns even better 🤝
It's fraud Institute ..they took 50k by saying that they provide job but they dnt provide any job.don't encourage this type of's became more common by doing these cheap tricks.please don't believe these peoples.
In this Institute saroja and ram are running this Institute by saying that it's a company and they have so many openings.they will take there our students only by providing training and all.They only don't know...
Ram erp solutions (Saroram erp solutions) company is a fraud company. It is located at abbegere, bangalore. Don't join in this company and waste your time and career. Don't have real time projects they are doing simply some dummy projects. They are collecting 60, 000 r. S at starting or after joining 3 months....