State Bank Of Hyderabad — Refused rs.10 coins to deposit in my account

Address:Prakasam, Andhra Pradesh, 523301

When i went to bank to deposit about 2000rs in my account of 10rs coins in sbh martur they resfused to deposit it and they are telling that that we will not deposit your money. There is no any circulation, notice, or regulation about banning of 10rs coins from rbi. Even they are giving silly excuses in home branch that we are not having space for the 10rs coins.
When i said to them that if you have any notice regarding this then show me but instead of showing notice to me or making any clarification to me the staff members are saying that dont argue with us just take your money and get away from here.

Its my humble request to rbi that please take severe action regarding this issue for all the banks who are behaving like this with their customer.
Thank you.
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State Bank of Hyderabad customer support has been notified about the posted complaint.
Jun 27, 2017
Naveen Rakul's response
pls change the my mobile number [protected] previews
Complaint comments 


To the bank manager sir, wyra, I sir s.g.sreenath 515305gowd havaing account in sbh account no.[protected] I want to be change message alert number so please change my number my mobile number [protected] thank you sir your fathfuly
Hi sir this is A.Dharmaiah from Rathnapurkandly M:Nirmal Dist:Nirmal my requesting is preview mobile number is losed
can Add this no [protected] this is the Account no [protected]
Hi sir, am deposited the money to deposite mechine... But my money not add the my account... When I deposite the money atm signal is gone...

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