I've been using wishnet for almost 6 months and my main purpose is gaming. However yesterday i came across an issue of blocked ports and strict nat type in my connection. Upon calling the customer service, i am told to contact my local provider for opening the ports and i am not given any further information about the cost and charges and the process. However, when i contact the local provider they are talking about corporate packages and all which i am unable to understand coz why would i need to have a different package to even open ports of the connection that i have? No other friend of mine ever had an issue with their particular isps blocking ports! So ultimately my problem is not getting solved no matter where i call! And now i am desperate and sad! I hope to get a response on the issue asap or i might have to think of switching.
User: sohel_lok
Mob: [protected] (Not the regd. No)
Email: [protected]@gmail.com Was this information helpful? |
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