On 03.05.2020 one self-proclaimed authorised installer of wishnet sri bikram saha gave me some obsolete redundant inactive rowter modem tplink which from the very first day was giving 8 mbps and finally stopped functioning on 20.05.2020 the rowter was so packed brand-new that it could not be understood that it costs only rs.940 though he claimed the guy bikram saha that it costs him rs.1499 and swindled from me rs.3500 by gpay. I can't understand where the rowter earmarked to be giving 300 mbps it simply provides 5 -8 mbps. Shoud i discourage the people from abhoring wishnet? My account number 265226 plan bronze 70 installed on 03.05.2020 i would have no other option to stop further payments and start a mass protest and campaign against wishnet
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