Apartments — dog catching

Address: 600092
Website: Submit complaint

Hi sir. I'm living in virumgambakkam near virumgambakkam graveyard.. Many dogs are coming inside our colony sir.. Dogs are making sound at night. And my pet 3 months dog had been died because of these street dogs it took my dog and bited and killed my dog sir.. Please take an necessary action. The dogs are coming near to the door and making sound.. And sleeping near the door. And biting the slippers bikes seat and everything please take necessary action towards this prblm sir.. The landmark is near virumgambakkam graveyard and tasmac.. Please help us we can't able to go out during nyt times. Please help us sir...
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To DATE:[protected]
The Chief Engineer,
HMWS&S Board

Dear Sir,

Sub: = Drainage Complaint.

I am the Resident of H.No. 8-3-677/11, sri krishna devaraya nagar colony, yousufguda,

I would like to inform you that in my area frequently drainages are blocking
near to the manwhole, that directly flows to our apartment, which leads to viral fever and unhealthy as well as we are unable to move in our parking lot.

Last week also GHMC drainage clearing people have come and instead of clearing and repairing the damage drainage pipeline they have taken out drainage water from manwholes and poured on roads and gone. Now, this week also again blocked all manwholes.

Please inform the GHMC People that drinage pipeline is broken and tell them to dig and repair the damaged drainage pipe near to the manwhole.

I sincerely request to take the matter as urgent and please finished it on war foot.
Thanking you,

Ravindra Eranti

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