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Customer satisfaction rating Customer satisfaction rating is a complex algorithm that helps our users determine how good
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+91 92 3050 0500 [PureIt]
+91 92 4310 0100 [PureIt]
+91 92 2320 0200 [PureIT]
Unilever House, B. D. Sawant Marg, Chakala, Andheri (E), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India - 400099
soo now i m harressment from ur company
last 6month i was tired its not my complaint this is a market problem soo pls u doo some action on this issue
now all distrubuter say they no stock o[censored]r company product
soo now what i doo
pls take emmidiatly action on this complaint
i m mohd. arshad
the firm of
japan tobbaco
my shop name is SVS was cancelled not in vijita
soo i m not too tired from ur company...
your faithfull
mohd, arshad
my shop in kurla (east) mumbai -24