Dear sir/madam,
I am a very normal person in this society and i am now pushed to be to be someone that i never wanted to be.
I am working as a professor in an engineering college. I brought a KODAK MINI camera a week ago and now I am finding that the battery of this product is not getting recharged. I tried a lot lot to call to the customer centers and then ended with a "not_valid_customer_number" response. What should i do now to get the attention of the great "KODAK" empire ? I called many of their so called managers and many of them told me to lodge a complaint against their own company......
I just want to get the justice. I am not concerned about the money that I have spent on this impotent KODAK product.
My contact information is as follows:
Bhargav Bhatkalkar
Asast. Professor
Information Science and Engg.
St.Joseph Engineering College
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