This complaint is quite valid. I also have a subscription towards the Annula Pack which I had renewed in August. I now find that the channel has unilaterally removed all the malayalam channels except asianet and surya. I had opted for south indian channels in the annual pack.
CSB Nair
CSB Nair
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a company is at responding and resolving complaints by granting from 1 to 5 stars for each
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Unit 301 to 305, 3rd Floor, Windsor, Off C.S.T. Road, Kalina, Santacruz (East), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India - 400098
Tata Sky — Unilateral removal of malayalam channels
We are tatasky users for the past six years. This company cheats the viewers with unilateral decisions on removal of channels. There is no previous notifications to the customers also. After subscribing to their high priced packages and their set top box, we feel cheated at the end of the day. The main attraction of the dth was the malayalam channels offered. but they have taken away three prime malayalam channels including DD Malayalam (which is a free channel). No only four channels are shown. After spending so much money, its a real arrogant and oneway decision, Tatasky has degraded their image among lakhs of malayali viewers and we represent our strong protest for this shameless act by Tatasky.