Times Of India — Not all supliments of Times Of India are provided by local Retailers
My complaint is that local retailer present in khambhat District Anand (Gujarat) are not dispatching complete papers. Like on sundays they are not giving Times Life & on wednusdays no Ascent.When asked they are saying that this supliments are not for interior towns.
We are residents of Anna Nagar East in Chennai. Our complaint is that the local vendor is delivering only the main paper and the Chennai Times. No other supplements like Ascent and Property are delivered. Even the supplement of the daily special feature(being included since 06.04.09) to celebrate the first anniversary of the papper has not been received by us at all, this despite the fact that I have contacted your local no. thrice. Everytime I am told that immediate action will be taken but the paper is again delivered same way as the previous day. Seems like the Times of India office has absolutely no control over the local vendors. Today when I checked up the same paper with another vendor in our area, I found it was double of what is being delivered to us. Will appreciate if my complaint is attended immidiately. Our order no. is 2001213 in the name of K.S.Mehta.
Renu Mehta
Renu Mehta
This practice is followed by your all venders. Inspite of complaint on phone regarding thritning to stop news paper by the vender nothing is done.It shows they are internally protected by the paper publishing authority.
This practice is followed by your all venders. Inspite of complaint on phone regarding thritning to stop news paper by the vender nothing is done.It shows they are internally protected by the paper publishing authority.
I am also facing similar problem. I end up paying Rs 265-275 every month.We talk about consumer forum...etc...etc...These are too big...But If the maximum circulating paper a supporting such practice...What more can be said about it.
we have being paying 35 ruppess extra for the papers per month... and yester a discussin by flat ladies led me to know that the distributor is being cheating on all... i wont pay the bill if the vendor ask more this time also so plz kindly note our complaints
on behalf of alll my flat members i write tis complaint and if here our voice is not heard... then you illl have to face it times of india group
I have been facing the same problem for the last 2 years. The newspaper man (Ram vishal mishra, newspaper & magazine suppliers, ankit vihar 1, chotpur colony, sector-63, noida, mobile no [protected]) charges anything between 30-35rs extra/month to the cost of TOI. On complaining about the same he has stopped the delivery of the newspaper all together. this is goondaism...and TOI is doing nothing to stop this harassment.
I want know about the Wednesday's paper cost our newspaper man is saying that 6rs. so please confirm this
I a, shocked today wen the vendor came to collect march subscription. Every Month I pay 150 Rs for the same and this month he has asked for 165 citing increase in the newspaper price.
He says Sunday edition was for Rs 15 which is neverheard off
I want to have the correct price
He says Sunday edition was for Rs 15 which is neverheard off
I want to have the correct price
I am paying Rs 180/- per month for Times of India irrespective of whether it is month with 30 days or 31 days with 8/9/10 saturdays and sundays. Whereas the price mentioned in front of the daily newspaper says Rs 4.50 on all weekdays and Rs 5 on Saturday and Sunday. Depending on days in a given month and number of Saturdays and Sundays in the month, the price should be at the least should be Rs 139/- to a maximum of Rs 144.50. This is not acceptable. I live in Noida Sec- 40 and I am being duped by Times of India, its Distributor and Vendor for months now. I fail to understand how the price can be same every month at Rs 180/- per month. I hope someone will look into this. My Vendor name is Siya Ram Pal, RC-49/B, Anil Vihar, Khora Colony, Noida
Price of TOI is mentioned Rs 4. on the News Paper while vendor is asking for Rs 6.00 on account of Road Tax on the News Paper in Muzaffarnagar, UP
I have a very similar complaint. The vendor keeps increasing the cost month after month. Started with 130 and has now ended at 160. Have asked him how this is being calculated..says speak to my boss. The cost comes max to 140/145 depending on 30/31 days cycle. I said i will not pay beyond 150. He has stopped the newspaper all together. The distributor and vendors are cheating the TOI aware? or they all party to it? . I reside at Nitesh Forest Hills, Seegehalli, Bangalore. If nothing is done to keep a check on this the vendors will keep charging whatever they feel like.
I have a very similar complaint. The vendor keeps increasing the cost month after month. Started with 130 and has now ended at 160. Have asked him how this is being calculated..says speak to my boss. The cost comes max to 140/145 depending on 30/31 days cycle. I said i will not pay beyond 150. He has stopped the newspaper all together. The distributor and vendors are cheating the TOI aware? or they all party to it? . I reside at Nitesh Forest Hills, Seegehalli, Bangalore. If nothing is done to keep a check on this the vendors will keep charging whatever they feel like.
Same problem I am facing, currently I am a resident of ahmedabad...and my vendeor is charging around 275 rs per month for times of india and economic times, all of sudden I noticed that my bill for both papers can not be exceed 190 now from onwards I ll not pay a single peny to that newspaper wala. Also I ll complain to the consumer forum for this cheating.
Attachment having paper bill for 20 Days ET & 30 Days TOI bill as a combo package . This bill i am paying from last 5 years .
thesupplier of news paper is charging extra for providing the paper.Is it fair or not.
thesupplier of news paper is charging extra for providing the paper.Is it fair or not.
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I-World Tower, DLF Golf Course Road, DLF City Phase V, Haryana, Gurgaon, Haryana, India - 122002
newspaper — Rate of TOI
Sir i am a regular reader of TOI.You r increasing the price of TOI beyond Rs 2.50.
Since i am a student it will effect my monthly budjet.
Please bring the price of TOI at Rs 2 as it is the single paper being sold in very large no. in India.
Plz. take attention to my suggestion.