Garudavega Courier Services — Consignment booked on 21-Dec-2021 to USA has not reached USA so far and they are not able to trace where my consignment is!!
I have booked a consignment on 21-Dec-21. It was supposed to reach USA within 5 to 8 days. The consignment number is 1Z63XV[protected]. UPS web site shows "reached Delhi on 24-Dec-21". When I contacted Garudavega, they informed me they will update status in few days. They took my email, but no communication so far. When I contacted UPS, they informed me that the consignment was not picked up at Hyderabad as there was some weight issue and they advised me to contact Garudavega. Garudavega is not able to tell me if the consignment is n Hyderabad or Delhi!!. They wrote to UPS and they expect me to wait till UPS replies!!
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