The company is trying to make money by charging hefty late fees from the customer even if the payment is getting delayed by single day. They are not informing customer to make the payment and only after the due date is passed even by one day, they start making 100 calls in a day and force them to pay fine of 5600 (yearly charge is 3500) which is more then that of maintenance charge. Then they start offering you multiple package if I don't want to pay fine to lure customer to pay more money for packages.
The company executive is harassing us and forcing us to make payment along with late fees. We need help from this forum in order to stop this malpractice of looting customers and harassing them. Was this information helpful? |
Greetings from Lifecell! We are sorry to hear about your experience. We understand that your concern is regarding suspension charges. Please share your CRM number. We will look into the matter and get back to you as soon as possible.