Hi.: pms don’t settle your account with Shaha finlease. It’s a fraud company. My outstanding in 2001 was Rs 30000 and they have reported over Rs 6 crores in cibil. I settled my account with them but inspite of that my cibil score hasn’t improved as the outstanding ding is showing 5 crores. Plus all the harassment to my friends, family and relatives by calling them non stop. PLEASE don’t settle your account with them.
Hi.. pls don’t settle your account with Shaha finlease. I have had a very bad experience with them. I settled my account against an outstanding of Rs 30000 however they reported by cibil an outstanding of over Rs 6 crore. And inspite of settling my account my cibil score hasn’t improved. Pls do not settle your account with them. It’s an unsecured loan and they can’t do anything.
Take this to twitter tag FM, if many pople join they will be exposed.
Customer satisfaction rating Customer satisfaction rating is a complex algorithm that helps our users determine how good
a company is at responding and resolving complaints by granting from 1 to 5 stars for each
complaint and then ultimately combining them all for an overall score.
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