Address: sanjay tiwari ram rahim place b 202 samta nagar vasai west dist palghar Maharashtra in dia |
Complaint under tata play sub id [protected], my name sanjay i am purchase Tata play on 5th of august receive calls same day installation 7:30 pm, on 7th august raise 1st complaint that dual noise sound come in my tv tataplay eng visit 3 time but not resole the problem, he tild me sir share me your connection details in whatsap the same i am share all the images to him, after 7 days i am again call cc senior team, she/he told me that your complaint close, i am surprises how can closed without my confirmation again she/he taken complaint and resolution time given 22 of aug 22 the same no calls receive, no problem resoled, again i am call tata cc senior team shout him to refund my money he again rase complaint and give resolution time and date 31st aug 22, same no response i am call cc team 31st aug 22 he given final date 13th sept 22 i am reacd calls but the peson tell me the amount detect 1590.00 remains refund else i am send technician to Solv your issue, i am told him this was your falure you just check the complaint how you can detect amt he says this is company policy i am quotation on 7th aug 22 aug 31 st aug where is you policy that time, i need 100% refund without any detection of my money. please help this matter and get resole. Was this information helpful? |
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