Tata Teleservices — misguided by customer care executive and sending disheartening mails

Address: Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, 201010
Website: Tata Teleservices

Tata photon number :[protected]

Let me clarify one thing i am continuously sending mails to tata teleservices but no one is ready to reply where my device got damaged/broken in october 2016 and i am absolutely unable to use it, and in october 2016 i visited the tata store in sector-4 vaishali ghaziabad and give request to close it because it is got damaged and clear my all dues till that date.

And a lady told me sir please call our customer care to close it and i had called up the customer care then executive said sir we will replace it free of cost because your device is in guarantee till jan 2017. Then i said madam i am going somewhere outside for 3 months so please close it but she convinced me to retain it on some plan where i have to pay rs. 150 for three months only and my device will be replaced free of cost as per cust care executive. But when i visited the tata store in sector 18 noida they said sorry sir we can't replace it you have to take new connection i said your cust care executive told me it would be replaced by you free of cost then why are you refused it.

Then i tried to convinced them to replace or close it. And i called the customer care to closed it immediately because this is your fault your employee given me a commitment otherwise i had closed it from my side in october 2016 and paid total bill amount, so please close it i don't want to continue and it has been closed at that time.
Then where it bills comes regularly and why should i pay it whether i can't use it because it was damaged tata's employee fully misguided me i should take a legal action for misguiding, cheating and disheartning me regularly and you are send me a notice no problem i am also going to take appropriate action in consumer court and i have all the proofs regarding the same.

Tata photon number :[protected]

Santosh kumar
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