Address: Jainish Estate & Investment | 506-5th Floor | Shri Krishna Building | Opp. Laxmi Industrial Estate | Link Road | Andheri (W) Mumbai 400 053. |
Tel No. 67109000, Account No.[protected]
Sub: Reactivation of Tel No. 67109000
With reference to the above, I am using the said telephone since 15 years for my business purpose and said number is printed on our company’s letter head and visiting card and our client are having this number and therefore for me this number is very important. However, my above telephone number was disconnected due to non-payment of bills during Covid-19 period. As per the mail received from [protected] on 29th October 2020, I was asked to make the payment of the outstanding amount of Rs.768/- within seven days from the receipt of the mail.
Accordingly, I have made the payment of the said outstanding amount of Rs.768/- on 02.11.2020 which is within the time limit given to me to avoid any further action. Despite making payment it has not been activated. Kindly activate at the earliest.
Motilal Chhajed Was this information helpful? |
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