Delhivery — No updates on product shipment

My name is Sreenanth bi, and i had ordered a Product', worth rs. 1020, on amazon on Tuesday, 30th May 2023. The product was purchased from seller Parluna-IN. It was shipped using delhivery on Sunday, 3th June 2020 with tracking id/[protected]CN
As per delhivery website, the package is estimated to be delivered between, 17st-19st June. However, the tracking status shows it is currently at Guangdong Province, Shenzhen, CN (I. E. It has not been shipped to my location). Please ensure that my package is shipped right now, or if its has already been shipped from Guangdong Province, Shenzhen, CN to my delivery address, please update the tracking status on your website. Please ensure that the package is delivered to me on 20st June, 2023. Also, please provide me a fixed date by which i will receive my order.
For your reference, i am attaching screenshots of the order & tracking details from amazon and delhivery websites.
+3 photos
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Sir, Kindly Re-Shedule the Delivery of My Order AWB NUMBER : [protected] and Deliver it to me as Soon as Possible By Today Evening Itself as i was Unavailable Today Morning .. So, Kindly Deliver My Order Today Evening Itself Without any Further Delays.. Since it is really Urgent.

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