Sir, Kindly Speed Up and Deliver the Order AWB NUMBER : [protected] to me Tomorrow Itself as Soon as Possible... its Really Urgent.

Sir, Kindly Speed Up and Deliver the Order AWB NUMBER : [protected] to me Today Itself as Soon as Possible... its Really Urgent.
Sir, Kindly Speed Up My Order AWB NUMBER : [protected] and Deliver it to me Today Itself as Soon as Possible as it is Urgent.
Sir, Kindly Speed Up My Order AWB NUMBER : [protected] and Deliver it to me Today Itself as Soon as Possible as it is Urgent.
Sir, Kindly Speed Up My Order AWB NUMBER : [protected] and Deliver it to me Today Itself as Soon as Possible as it is Urgent.
Sir, Kindly Speed Up My Order AWB NUMBER : [protected] as My order has not yet Delivered to me even though it has already Reached my Nearest Location... So, Kindly Resolve this issue and Deliver it to me
Today Itself as Soon as Possible as it is Urgent.
Today Itself as Soon as Possible as it is Urgent.
Customer satisfaction rating Customer satisfaction rating is a complex algorithm that helps our users determine how good
a company is at responding and resolving complaints by granting from 1 to 5 stars for each
complaint and then ultimately combining them all for an overall score.
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+91 12 4671 9500
+91 12 4471 8919
Plot 5, Sector 44, Gurugram, Haryana, India - 122002