On the date of 01/04/2009 Sagar Cable Networks from Sandur of Karnataka State and Wire & Wireless India Ltd. has agreed upon an agreement for payment of Rs. 325000 towards WWIL for providing the HITS service. But on 11/03/2010 got a letter stating the below points
Ref: Customer Code No: 3344
Sub: Discontinuation of transmission of HITS signals
1. Dish TV India Ltd - the provides of HITS digital signals has informed us that it is dicontinuing the HITS operations with effect from March 31, 2009 on account of occurrence of Force Majeure events due to certain regulator constrainst.
2. In view of Dish TV India Ltd discontinuing its HITS operations with effect from March 31, 2010, we are forced to discontinue the HITS digital signals being provided to you with effect from March 31, 2010 since the HITS signals will not be avilable to us from the HITs service provider.
3. Your are request to take note of the above and immediately clear all the outstanding dues.
Since then we are trying to get our refund but have not got any substantial reply or any refund from the company. We have spoken to the company and have also mailed them the necessary/requested documents but of no use as they have not reverted back any positive information.
So, we request you to kindly attend the issue and help us get the redressel as along with me there are other 6 cable service providers waiting for the refund of the advance from my state.
Kind regards,
Sagar Cable Networks
Sandur (T), Bellary (D), Karnataka (S)
Mobile : +91 [protected]
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