Address: Khordha, Odisha, 750031 |
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I have owned one i-Ball Tablet set ( Model No. Tablet PC Slide Cuddle A4, Brown colour with Serial No. [protected] with Warranty period till 10th Feb 2017) vide Invoice No. LMS/RI/15 – 16/13740 Dt: 11 Feb 2016.
There were multiple problems occurred in the Tablet set for the second time and I had handed over the set to your Customer Care Centre located at the Best IT World (India) Private Limited, Sahid Nagar, Bhubaneswar on Dt. 25th January 2017 holding the Document No. [protected].
A similar type defect was also arisen after six months from the date of purchase. That time also, to get a best service, I had handed over the device at the same service centre. In that instance after receiving a call along with SMS from the Customer Care Centre I had visited to collect the set. Though I had intimated the Customer Care Centre prior to my arrival for collection / repair of the set; what I found during my visit was that the device’s battery was totally charge-less to test the set before delivery, which was a normal parameter.
During my arrival at about 5.30 pm, there was a power failure and simultaneously the concerned mechanic was absent to provide me vital tips & references about for what were the actual defects occurred in the tablet set ! Without having any option, on assurance of the Counter Boy I received the set with reflecting my dissatisfaction on the Customer’s Satisfaction Receipt.
But later on the same problem started & persisted in a more aggravating mode. So again I handed over the set at the same Customer Care Center on 25th Jan 2017. But even after 40 days have been passed since deposition of the set I am totally in dark about the status of tablet set till now.
According to the Customer Care Center, after correction of defects of the set, they were to send me intimation through SMS or call to my mobile number to collect the set. I found that the contact number that mentioned in the Customer Receipt was a fake one. Also without getting any such communication from the center, after a gap of 15 days, I had visited the Customer Care Center on 9th February at about 5.40 pm from my side as the given Warranty period was running out to enjoy !
The similar difficulty that I faced earlier was again arisen and I was unable to collect the set even after such a long gap. Even they had not mentioned any second contact number in the Customer Receipt for any communication. So during my visit on 9th Feb I collected the contact number from my side for any future communication.
In this situation, I want to bring to your kind notice that who should be responsible for loss of the warranty period that had given by the Company to a customer? Even the Customer Care Center has not yet made any kind of communication to me till date about whether the device has been corrected / repaired or not ! I couldn’t understand the reason for why such a long time needs for rectification of the problem?
In this circumstance your service providing system is unethically forcing me to debar from enjoying the period of warranty!
Also if the device is kept for such a long period with you in the name of repair then what the meaning is o[censored]sing your brand products; unnecessarily generating dissatisfaction in the mind of a customer! So I bring to your notice to take necessary & needful action to give me justice as soon as possible.
With Thanks & Regards,
Debendra Kumar Maharana
Mob. No. +91 [protected]
eMail id : [protected]
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