I am writing to bring to your attention a concerning issue regarding unauthorized credit card initiated by ICICI Bank in my name. I would like to request your assistance in resolving this matter promptly.
On 28th August, 2023, I received a notification from ICICI Bank indicating that I have two credit card bills to be paid. To my surprise, I had not initiated any application for a new credit card with ICICI Bank, nor had I provided my consent for such an application. This situation has caused me significant distress and concern.
Furthermore, I have been informed that ICICI Bank is now demanding a payment of both the bills. A payment of total INR 3103.99 is to be paid immediately as charges for these unauthorized credit card. I believe it is unfair and unjust for me to be held responsible for charges related to the credit cards that I did not request or authorize.
I kindly request the following actions to be taken:
Deactivation: I request the immediate deactivation and cancellation of the unauthorized credit card issued in my name and wave off the bill issued against the same.
Confirmation: I would appreciate written confirmation from ICICI Bank once the above actions have been taken to resolve this matter.
I have attached the relevant documents, including the notification I received and any other information that may be useful in your investigation. I kindly request that this matter be treated with the utmost urgency, as it has caused me undue stress and financial burden.
Thank you for your assistance.
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