Indraprastha Gas Limited [IGL] — permanent disconnection of gas
from Delhi, Delhi
New Delhi, Delhi
I want to disconnect my gas connection png permanently because we are shifting our house so that's why we have to disconnect our png gas connenction.
Please take a look to this problem and i am sure you will take actions to this problem. Earlier response to disconnection problem will be appreciated. We are shifting today that's why i want you to disconnect my gas connection as soon as possible.
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Indraprastha Gas Limited [IGL] customer support has been notified about the posted complaint.
I would like to inform you that in my house j 262 sec 12 pratap vihar ghaziabad .i am taken a new domestic gas pipe line connection but labour situated a pipe line in un fare manner it is unsafe and wrong connnection.please solve my problem as soon as possible.
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a company is at responding and resolving complaints by granting from 1 to 5 stars for each
complaint and then ultimately combining them all for an overall score. Read more
I would like to inform you that in my house j 262 sec 12 pratap vihar ghaziabad .i am taken a new domestic gas pipe line connection but labour situated a pipe line in un fare manner it is unsafe and wrong connnection.please solve my problem as soon as possible.