[Resolved] Kolkata Foreign Lcao — order stuck for 20 days
Yad Saggu
from Bengaluru, Karnataka
Jul 29, 2019
Address: Bangalore, Karnataka
Hi my order [protected] from ali express is stuck at KOLKATA FOREIGN LCAO from 8th of july. Its 29th now. It's very strange product reached india from china in 8 days and from 20 days stuck in one building in KOLKATA. Tracking id is RP[protected]CN. Screenshot is attached.
Can someone help me with this or can share there knowledge regarding the same to help me on this thing.
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Aug 8, 2019
Complaint marked as Resolved
I received the item on 5th august.
So we can't do anything to reach this office only thing we can have is patience and hope it will arrive one day.
Aug 04, 2019
Updated by Yad Saggu 04th August still item stuck at same place, someone help me tackle down this office.