From last two month lifecell have not passed my claim. My daughter had undergone bmt transplant. There are least concern. But they said they will give the amount. Then they said they be working on reimbursement way. Now it's two month they are least bothered about the refund. Now they say our insurer will see the matter. We have nothing to do. When our insurer icici will pass the matter then we can assure you. Every week i get a mail it will be refunded end of week.
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Lifecell International customer support has been notified about the posted complaint.
Verified Support
Dec 26, 2019
Lifecell International Customer Care's response Mr Hitesh, We have already sent the documents to the insurer and following up for the same. We shall be looping in insurer mail further
Verified Support
Jan 07, 2020
Lifecell International Customer Care's response Dear Hitesh, The reimburement has been processed and you have confirmed on receiving it same. Issue has been resolved from our end. Feel free to revert us back for further clarification required
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