Staff of Spinny, New Delhi have been very careless and being very callous of what needed to be done post the sale of my car.
My vehicle DL3CCD0477 which has been bought by Spinny and picked from my residence on October 13th 2021 and which has been further sold to another buyer . The car has been handed over to the new buyer without the RC Transfer .
Meanwhile, the new owner has been issued a challan which was intimated to me by the traffic police as the RC is still on my name.
As per my knowledge, RC transfer takes less than a month.
Upon bringing up this point with SPINNY, the reason given to me on the 16th February 2022-
“ Ma'am, the new buyer’s AADHAAR is not linked to his phone’
My query:
1. How is SPINNY ensuring to see that it’s legally right for the new buyer to drive without a RC
2. Why didn't Spinny ensure to hand over the car only once the RC has been issued?
3.. When a new buyer is driving a car whose RC is still supposed to be under my name( thanks to the carelessness of SPINNY), am I not at risk if God forbid, any big crime is committed or anything untoward happens then what? Aren't we 'supposed ' to abide by the rules and regulations ?
In continuation to above, the mail sent to me by Mr. Rahul clearly states that, the vehicle will be with Spinny until the copy of RC is provided to the new buyer
This is an absolute carelessness and a very unprofessional way of handling this purchase and sale of my vehicle.
It’s been a very unpleasant experience and an unprofessional functioning of SPINNY.
The employees of Spinny who have been in touch are below:
Below is a paragraph from the mail sent by Mr Rahul on October 8th 2021.
'This vehicle has been bought on the pretext of selling it to another individual. Once the final buyer of this has been identified, we would transfer the vehicle to the new owner and provide a new RC copy to the seller.
Till then, the vehicle would remain in custody of Spinny and all legal responsibility would lie with us.'
The mails written to the above staff and the Founders of #SPINNY remains unanswered.
The only response was to my call and my posting on the review section on Social media. Their lines are absolutely scripted.' It's a part of our protocol to speak and assess and update the team. We shall get back to you in 72 hours'
There has been no action, explanation or response to my mail above.
Was this information helpful?
But yes, everything has been sorted out finally.