[Resolved]  IFB Industries — Feeling CHEATED by IFB with top management & founder of IFB in the know

Address: G-41, Kailash Vaibhav, Parksite, Veer Savarkar Marg, Vikhroli West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400079
Website: ifbindustries.com

FACTS that should be verifiable at IFB end :

- A technician of IFB responding to ticket [protected] booked on 10.1.24
first tries to cheat us out of a part (Magnetron) still covered in warranty, although in vain, for an IFB microwave that stops heating in less than 18 months of purchase ( in the premises where a microwave of another brand worked fine for more than a decade!)
-After his attempts fail, suddenly a "second part, Capacitor, too needs replacement".
- First technician leaves the product opened and claims the required parts are "not available"

A technician arrives A WEEK LATE after follow ups with different numbers at IFB to finally have the micro wave working again for our 90 year old patient, BUT:
- When on 17.1.24, a technician brought the replacement parts BUT DID NOT SHARE ANY PROOF OF THE PARTS BEING NEW OR UNUSED,
- The technician also charged us nearly one third of the price of the microwave event though we were assured otherwise!
- Once we followed up with Mr Vipin Sharma, a part was returned to us and a small amount was refunded.

- However, the microwave now started MAKING NOISES than made it clear that something was amiss. But a technician visiting us today, on 7.2.24 could NOT resolve the issue even though the repair is UNDER WARRANTY.
- IFB Customer Care team under Mr Abhishek Deb would sometimes not take calls and recorded voice committed to sending a char link instead but the link would NEVER be recd, adding to our frustration. This was experienced earlier as well
- Responders at Delight services Deepika and Amol blatantly refused to share the initials of their last names, and so did Om Prakash from IFB -escalations, for some SUSPECT reason to avoid accountability, also admitted to by Mr Abhishek Deb as a mistake
- Worse, Ms Shubhangi Gavhane of IFB management team was found Rude, DISMISSIVE and totally UNPROFESSIONAL
- Even worse was Mr Abhishek Deb's absurd excuse to try and cover up her misconduct by citing her gender!
- Another team member of senior management was in a hurry to "conclude" since he had to be on the con call for a few minutes whereas his own team's making a 90 year old patient suffer since NEARLY A MONTH seemed to be of no consequence. SHAME!
- The con call had to be hung up on as mental agony of being spoken over by voices shouting over us from team IFB was taking its toll on us over and above the agony and harassment already caused to us since nearly a month by team IFB
- Sadly, not a peep out of the founder Mr G Raychowdhury so far, even though he is in the know via emails copied to him.


Watch this space for UPDATES, if and when any response is recd.
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Mar 9, 2024
Complaint marked as Resolved 
Once we reached out to Mr Rajshankar Ray, he took prompt corrective action and his team member Mr Pruthiraj Pradhan executed a smooth and reassuring repair / replacement / overall checkup oriented service with assured 3 months' warranty on the overall microwave set as well as extension of support in future. Huge relief for our 90 year old after months! We sincerely hope the HR heads of IFB, Ms Souravi / Mr Subhankar take cue and start imparting similar professional and ethical skills down the line and across senior management too.
IFB Industries customer support has been notified about the posted complaint.
Feb 08, 2024
Updated by pradipto nandi
UPDATE on 8.2.24 :

Someone who claimed her name was or sounded like
"Bhagyashree" called from an IFB number to declare that she was from team IFB social media.
Instead of building trust she shamed the brand IFB even more by refusing to share her full name (TYPICAL SUSPECT behavior at IFB ..this is the 4th person doing so even after ABHISHEK DEB admitting to this as unethical just yesterday!)
Bhagyashree RUDELY HUNG UP on us! Again, TYPICAL to IFB ( Refer main complaint above)
Feb 08, 2024
Updated by pradipto nandi
15:00 HRS on 8.2.24

This is to update that team IFB ( Mr Pathan and Mr Manoj) came and repeated somewhat what the last technician had already reported after checking the machine and hearing the noises.
So basically NO progress on the issue since, even though we allowed team IFB in today, who reported unannounced when our 90 year old comorbid patient was unmasked and outside her room at lunchtime, having her lunch.

Further, Mr Vipin Sharma conveniently chose to hide his obvious incompetence being suffered since nearly a month now by a 90 year old patient behind our calling out in Hindi, his and his team's obvious ineffectiveness / uselessness of which we have been at the receiving end since a month now!
This was as absurd as Mr Abhishek's trying to hide the obvious issues behind the gender of Ms Shubhangi yesterday when we called her out on not being capable / not worthy of her seniority having suffered her team since a month and especially after our interaction with her and experiencing her unprofessionalism and rudeness yesterday ( Kindly take a listen to the call record. She had recorded the conversation)

Mr Vipin's and Mr Deb's desperately using absurd excuses instead of focusing on obvious internal issues is telling at many levels over and above what has already been experienced.

Also disappointing that the founder Mr G Raychowdhury has not trying to reach out to us even though he has been made aware of the issues since many days now
Mar 02, 2024
Updated by pradipto nandi

We received an SMS from IFB nearly a MONTH after claiming a BLATANT LIE that we had requested cancellation and therefore the complaint was being closed.
Further, the SMS offered a link to click if the issue remains unresolved, THE LINK HAS BEEN PROVEN TO BE FAKE and a screensharer video has been mailed to the IFB senior management BUT instead of being apologetic on being caught REDHANDED again, Mr ABHISHEK DEB again responds with the most UNPROFESSIONAL mail to which we replied as follows, today ( SELF EXPLANATORY):

Dear Mr G Raychowdhury,
Founder, IFB Industries

We have been writing to you since more than a month now regarding a pending complaint that remains unresolved since around two months, pertaining to an IFB microwave purchased for a 90 year old elderly,
However, there has been NO response from you even though your team has confirmed you have been in receipt of all our mails.

Instead, to further add to our negative experience with IFB, your customer care head Abhishek Deb, responds the way he does yet again with the most absurd non-professional manner,
Since he has repeatedly come across as someone that no customer should have to suffer, we do not want to engage with him anymore but would like to clear the confusion he may have caused, irrespective:

This is what we have to say in response to his mail today:
Perhaps Mr Abhishek Deb should do his homework before shooting off angry unprofessional mails ( However, we are not surprised. After all, this is the same gentleman who had :

-first introduced himself with an SULKING Watsapp which he later deleted, (telling at many levels!),
Screenshots available on request, proving both.

- then attempted absurdly to defend the obvious incompetence and rudeness being called out by using the gender of a team member as an excuse

- not been able to conduct a professional con-call with his team mates without it being reduced to a fish-market level cacophony with his multiple co workers being allowed to speak all at once

- Tried to resort to Bengali ( once he knew we too were Bengali) without being mindful of basic manners that there were others also on the con call who were non-Bengali

- Was first caught with his customer care trying to deliberately evade calls and now is caught red handed with a non-functional link sent by SMS ( screenshare video mailed earlier)

- Passed the buck onto Mr Vipin again, KNOWING the issue is unresolved since MONTHS now and Mr Vipin has not been found effective or clear already

- Claims to "not understand" reason for escalation, our "intention".
Maybe because one needs a certain level of comprehension/ IQ and common sense to get that an issue ( also as ACKNOWLEDGED by IFB technician Mr Pathan) that REMAINS PENDING and UNRESOLVED since months, continues to remain UNRESOLVED by Mr Vipin, therefore rendering him INEFFECTIVE?

- Instead of getting his facts right, Mr Abhishek Deb seems more interested in passing judgements on customers feeling cheated over and over by his obvious incompetence and tactical cover ups with non-professional statements like:
"... I find it strange. Don seem to understand your intentions here.."
Perhaps Mr Deb deludes himself qualified to offer unsolicited psychoanalysis, but do remind him to wake up to realities and not dare to do so in future with ANY customer as this on top of his attempted cover ups, unethical tactics and incompetence will NOT be tolerated any more.

- And not just
His presumptuous attitude is reflected in his statements like
"...you are not showing any interest to resolve matters on the other hand you are escalating..."
Like we already mentioned above, you need common sense and professional ethics to find out and realize that PENDING issues ACKNOWLEDGED (also acknowledged by team IFB including Mr Vipin yesterday and also admitted by him that he had NOT communicated with us since nearly a month now and ALREADY PAID for) warrant escalation for OBVIUOUS REASONS

Kindly explain on what basis did you hire someone so obviously not fit for a position that instead of resolving the issues, customers are driven to STOP TRUSTING brand IFB totally?

Awaiting an acceptable response without any further delay.
Mar 05, 2024
Updated by pradipto nandi
UPDATE on 4.3.24
( Our email to IFB in response to call recd from IFB's Vais Pathan ( SELF EXPLANATORY):

"Mr Vipin Kumar.

A certain Mister Vais Pathan now called from a number 9*********, wherein he claimed you have asked him to schedule incorporating a new part to replace a faulty part ( As diagnosed by your team last visit) Free Of Cost, perhaps as a small compensatory step towards all the experiences that have been subjected to since months now

We do not understand why there is some obvious resistance towards putting the same on record, with a minimum 3 months' warranty, as should be for ANY repair by ANY professional company confident of it's standards.

We fail to understand this anti-transparency attitude which caused even more deficit of trust in brand IFC, given the history.

Please confirm the warranty on this trail mail as a reply so we can schedule the same at the earliest as each day of delay is adding to mental harassment and agony for our 90 year old elderly who put her faith in brand IFC only to be taken for granted over and over again so far.

Also the HR head at IFC (copied) needs serious reflection on why so many employees dealing with us customers are rude and dismissive, over and above questionable ethics. More details available on request
Unless an immediate addressing and correcting the issue is taken on, we will have no choice but to place facts / records in public domain as review for potential IFB customers to be forewarned
Mr Vais Pathan was found rude and dismissive too, adding to the list of such mistreatment by multiple IFB staffers, so far. This will not be tolerated.

Mar 05, 2024
Updated by pradipto nandi
Further UPDATE, later on 4.3.24 :
OUR REPLY EMAIL to Mr Vipin Kr Sharma's email in response to our email above

"Mr Vipin,

As replied to you on Watsapp, we cannot engage with you or Mr Abhishek Deb ( besides many others in in your team because of the blatant rudeness we have had to experience from your end multiple times.
In fact we are awaiting IFB HR heads (copied) to respond to us on our complaint against what seems to be a work culture prevalent at IFB, something we are taking very seriously on behalf of potential customers of IFB unless immediately addressed by HR heads

Hence, we asked Mr Pathan to email the same.
We wonder why official emails are anyways not the default practice at IFB to keep things transparent?

Going forward,

Mr Pathan had already confirmed that this entire compensatory job will be FOC for obvious reasons.

And having experienced much deficit of trust from IFB already, we cannot take any risks of further frequent issues faced soon again, a minimal of 3 months' warranty will be in order.
You would recall how each new issue was detected AFTER your very unethical team of technicians visited us, some very suspiciously even first took away non-warrantied parts paid for, for motives known best known to them. And some tried to actively mislead us insisting a certain part in warranty was NOT in warranty, again for motives best known to you)
Happy to remind you with details, feel free to request

In fact we wonder why IFB, IF confident of its quality / standards, would resist offering a warranty for the repairs? Renders the quality suspect if not warrantied, for obvious reasons

Kindly clarify point by point without any further delay, so we can schedule the repairs ASAP
OR escalate beyond IFB for fair conclusion

Awaiting, "
Mar 05, 2024
Updated by pradipto nandi
Emails also sent/copied to IFB HR heads SOURAVI SINHA & SUBHANKAR BANERJEE

asking them to help us understand why majority of the IFB staffers we have had to interact with so far, was found BLATANTLY RUDE and / or UNETHICAL

Reply AWAITED. Will UPDATE, IF and when response is recd
Mar 18, 2024
Updated by pradipto nandi

We had marked this complaint as resolved but today Ms NUPUR SINHA, head of IFB social media team was found COVERING UP for her team's REPEATED UNETHIHCAL CONDUCT by BLOCKING reviewers/comments reviewing IFB on social media, DISOCNNECTING CALLS RUDELY and NOT CALLING BACK

Further, Ms NUPUR SINHA herself was found encouraging the same by DELIBERATELY evading transparency for motives that can only be SUSPECT even though we offered our time to help her with being transparent, on a platter. She is clearly and deliberately part of the problem
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We had marked this complaint as resolved but today Ms NUPUR SINHA, head of IFB social media team was found COVERING UP for her team's REPEATED UNETHIHCAL CONDUCT by BLOCKING reviewers/comments reviewing IFB on social media, DISOCNNECTING CALLS RUDELY and NOT CALLING BACK

Further, Ms NUPUR SINHA herself was found encouraging the same by DELIBERATELY evading transparency for motives that can only be SUSPECT even though we offered our time to help her with being transparent, on a platter. She is clearly and deliberately part of the problem

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