[Resolved]  Country Holidays Inn & Suites — fraud, illicit and unlawful practices, refusing refund and forcing membership against our will

Address:New Delhi, Delhi

My worst experience with a country holiday inn & suites (Chis), don’t confuse it with country inn.

The sweetness and gesture the sales team will show while selling their membership, you will be bound to fall into their trap and once your card is swipe, they will give you an agreement to sign stating that this is the written commitment of what we discussed showing the amount paid. They will not let you read the other conditions saying that you can read it later.

Here is the description of the incident that i have gone through with “country holidays inn & suites pvt. Ltd, shop no. 23, ground floor, tdi mall, vishal cinema besides, rajouri garden, new delhi”.

I filled one coupon at budget bazaar, a3/233 mota singh marg, janakpuri, new delhi 110058 on july 13, 2018 where the person told me that ‘country holiday inn and suits’ has opened new properties at few locations including shimla, jaipur, goa etc. And they will provide you 2 nights/3 days stay at their new hotels if your names comes in lucky draw and asked me to fill small form to which i said i'm not interested but he said please sir just write your name and phone number only and if in draw your name come then you will be contacted. The same night i left for week long business trip to us and my mobile has been switched off till i returned back to india the subsequent week. The very next day, i got call from +91 [protected] person introducing himself as amit sharma stating "you won the lucky draw for free 2 nights/3 days’ vacation along with movie tickets" to which i hardly paid any attention since i was in middle of meeting at my office and disconnected the call. The next day again i got call from same number and the person informing me that "you won the lucky draw where our company is offering free 2 nights/3days stay at their 5 star property along with free movie tickets for 2 adults”. I was not willing to go as i don’t trust in such offers, so i denied. But he keep on calling and convincing me to visit their office in tdi mall, rajouri garden along with my spouse to collecting the free gift vouchers. I finally said okay, but i can’t come this week to which he asked me for the earliest date you can come to collect your gift, i said i’ll try over this weekend but didn’t confirm. On saturday aug 04, 2018 around past 1pm, again i got call where caller referencing to earlier phone calls and insisting me to visit tdi mall, rajouri garden to collect your gift vouchers. I said i’ll see in the evening, within 2 minutes i received a message from mobile number – [protected] stating

"welcome country holidays inn & suites india pvt. Ltd.
Today u and ur spouse invited from tdi mall rajouri garden.
Congratulations, we are offering holiday voucher for 2nights/3days in country inn india pvt. Ltd.
It's free accommodation voucher.1 year validity.
2nd voucher is pvr movies ticket for couples
Entry code - rz601rt timing 07:30 pm
(Entry restricted to couples only) 45 minutes time required for detailing.
Collect from
Shop no. 23, ground floor,
Tdi mall, vishal cinema besides, rajouri garden, new delhi.
Regards - amit sharma"

I did not go as i was busy with personal stuff in the nearby area only but he again messaged me around 7:07pm stating “sir how much time it will we take” i ignored it and then few minutes later he again called me insisting me to come to collect the gift vouchers and even said if you come by 8:45 pm that also works fine with them. I counter questioned them whether there are any terms and conditions to accept the offer which they denied.

I then said okay, i will come (As i anyways was in rajouri garden area only that for some other stuff). They again sent me same message with a new entry code – rz0091rt from a new mobile number +91 [protected] (Lavi sharma). I thought it’s the same person as surname of both the persons was ‘sharma’ and he sent me their location on watsapp as well.

I finally decided to go and entered to tdi mall, rajouri garden around 8:15pm and i found that county holiday inn office is in the corner diagonally behind ccd. I reached there and enquired about amit, then a person shared a form with me asking the entry code to collect the vouchers. I was then asked to attend a presentation about company’s promotion to get the free vouchers. There were few more couples sitting there, thus, out of curiosity, i also agreed for the presentation stating that we have limited time to which they said it won't take more than 45 minutes. A well-dressed person came to us and introduced himself as"ajit kumar"working as a manager here. He then introduced us to girl named harpreet kaur and said she will be doing the presentation. She introduced herself first and asked us please introduce yourself so that we are comfortable with each other for next 45 minutes during the presentation. She then asked you must be having some questions in your mind why any company is providing any free vouchers, which was right at that moment. She then said it’s for your time for promotion of company’s new app “chis”. She then started that you must have heard about chis and i was also under the impression that it is related to country inn hotels as the name is similar to that only and the text message also mentioned the same. She then asked us about our last vacations and said that she will offer some plan only if it is relevant to you, else you will be provided the voucher without spending further time. She started talking about chis, i started losing my interest and said that i am not interested in buying any plan. She then started side talks with the intend to get more info about us and our lifestyle and i've to interrupt her from those side talks stating we don't have much time to spend here as we have kids back home who should be looking for us. As i was getting email notifications on my mobile, i often started checking my mails to which she objected and said if i could pay some attention to her presentation. I put my mobile on silent mode honoring her request (To avoid notification alerts). Out of curiosity, i asked her question about how many properties self-owned by chis to which she doesn't had answer and said she recently joined chis but will get it answered by her senior. She looked around but didn't see the person whom she was looking for, stepped away for a minute to inquire about her senior and came back stating he is on bio-break and but she will get answers to my question. I asked her to move on anyways as i've already lost interest and wanted to wrap up this discussion quickly as we don't have much time. We were preparing to leave that she called her senior introduced him as ajit kumar (Same person who met us the moment we enter chis office). I reiterated my question to him but he didn't answer my question rather said we (Chis) have 6500+ properties at both domestic and international locations and these are 4 & 5 star hotels including hyatt.

Being a world of hyatt globalist member, i countered him on his reference to hyatt and asked him which category of hyatt properties they provide accommodation to which he gave reference to hyatt regency delhi, but i reiterated my question to which he was not even aware of world of hyatt group hotels and their classification. Then i asked him do you have any of spg hotels in their list, to my surprise he even not heard about it and asked me what is spg? I replied to him starwood group of hotels and resorts. I said that anyways i am not interested in buying any plan. He then convinced that he is not at all selling any plan to me and started showing some five-star properties (Hotels). He then said that offer would be valid for today only. Then he said this is unlike other membership plans where they sell life time plans for 5-10 lakhs rupees. He then said what if this hotel will be available to you at 2 star hotel price etc. I said yes it would be a great deal and everyone would prefer to reduce their expenses including their vacation/travel expenses. He then said we have a 10 year membership plan for inr 1, 98, 000 lakhs for 70 days. I straight away denied the offer since i cannot afford to pay it keeping in view my last month expenditure.

Ajit kumar then said his company (Chis) has come up with membership offer for selected peoples like you only who hardly get time for holiday/vacation due to busy work schedule and family life. Moreover, if you can't afford then who will? He then engaged us in dialog about our past vacations and family time asking us about the experience and how much did it cost you. We just talk about last vacation experience but slowly he brought the cost part and asked us how much did it cost you to which i said it was rs 80000 for 7 days inclusive of everything. Then he again started talking about chis and his offer where he started adding freebies to which again i denied. Then he asked me whether i'm use credit card to which i said yes i do, then he asked how much credit limit do you have to which i replied it has nothing to do with your business. He then said, he will check if chis has some additional offer on your credit card and immediately asked me can i see your credit card so that he can inquire about any special offers. I was reluctant but somehow he convenience me. The moment i showed him my citi credit card, he said let me check if he can extend additional offer to me and went inside the small cabin and in 2 minutes came back holding a pos machine asking me to enter my pin. I objected by stating that why i need to enter my pin as i'm neither buying any of your plan nor we came to any conclusion yet. Further to that he said, he is just checking for special offer if available on my card from chis and nothing else. (I got the impression, it could be similar to reward membership where based on your card type you get additional privileges such as airport lounge access etc.) since my mobile was on silent mode and didn't get sms notification alert/sound, though there was sms from citibank staring"rs 20, 000 was spent on your citi credit xxxxxx on 04-aug-18 at country holidays inn. Available credit limit is rs xxxx". Again he went inside the cabin and came back with chis membership application form and asked us to fill it and in the meanwhile they are checking if chis has any special offer on my card. I again refused by stating that we are not going for any membership to which he said it's just a simple form and we just need your few details. Since there were no terms and conditions mentioned on the form, we just started filing it.in the meanwhile he also started talking about what is stopping me from refusing his offer to which i reiterated given my current expenditure, i can’t afford anything like this to increase my financial liability unnecessarily. To which he said they have emi plan as well and said its 0% interest emi for you as the interest part will be taken care by our company. Again i refused it starting that i can't go far it keeping in view my expenses as i already told him.

He bought 2 minutes from us to get status update from his team for the offer on your card and went inside cabin and came back stating that if you opt for emi plan then there are additional offers available.
Just out of curiosity i asked him what special offer/freebies do they have to which ajit kumar responded, he will check and again went inside cabin and come back with pos machine once again and asked me to enter my pin. The moment i entered my pin, he went inside cabin along with my card and pos machine.in the meantime i already had 2nd notification on my cell stating"rs 160, 000 was spent on your citi credit xxxxxx on 04-aug-18 at country holidays inn. Available credit limit is rs xxxx". But since my cell was on silent mode i didn't get alert.

Moment later he came out of cabin and continued talking about his offer and emi option and continue adding freebies including free air tickets vouchers, food coupons etc. And said no other company will provide such kind of offer costing less than rs 2, 000 per night for such kind of hotel stay. I completely denied their offer and started leaving the office as it was around 9:45 pm. They then very politely said that please collect your free voucher before leaving the office. I will take only 5 minutes. Then he again casually started talking that what resists you to take the offer so that he can provide feedback to the company. I said it might be useful but it takes time to decide before spending such a huge amount for a middle class like me and i may opt for it if you will provide me 1-2 day’s time after exploring about the hotels. He then said it was already informed in the beginning that any offer would be valid for today only and he is not feeling great that if we move away like this and have wasted an 1.5 hour.
He then offered us additional 21 days stating that though it is for senior citizens only, but he will somehow manage for it. He additionally offered us one-night stay at fortune hotel for 2 along with free breakfast and dinner. He additionally offered me 2 nights with breakfast at either jaipur or shimla and 3000 food voucher thus making a total night of 93 nights at inr 193295. I then also denied that i can’t pay such amount at once and i already has few outstanding financial liabilities due this month. I told that i can confirm it over the phone by next week (If we make up our mind) but they forced us into this by saying that this is an exclusive offer for few selected families which would expire the minute we step out from the room. He then said he will arrange emi plan exclusively for me and i can take back entire amount refund in 7 days if i will not enjoy my stay at fortune hotel to which i said i hardly get time for all such local hotel stays. He showed some of the membership bought recently and said people who bought membership plan 4-5 years ago came and thank them for making an asset. He then said i only have to pay rs 14441.40 per month for such a stay for 10 years and this amount is nothing for you. He then showed on calculator that per night stay is costing less than rs 2, 000. I and my wife also seems convincing as the offer was lucrative but i was on backfoot keeping in view my current financial liabilities, then finally i inquired about the cancellation part again where they told us that at any point of time within 7 days you can cancel this membership. Lack of my interest in such offers, i just took my mobile to check on current time as we already spent enough and to my surprise i saw sms notifications from citi bank stating

Rs 20, 000 was spent on your citi credit xxxxxx on 04-aug-18 at country holidays inn. Available credit limit is rs xxxx"
And another one stating "rs 160, 000 was spent on your citi credit xxxxxx on 04-aug-18 at country holidays inn. Available credit limit is rs xxxx".

When i asked them how come they deducted total rs180, 000 in 2 transactions from my card on the name of checking special offers on my card. To which he said sorry sir by mistake it happen and when i asked them to reverse the transactions to which he said sorry it is not possible as transaction already completed and started convenience me to buy his offer. Possessing knowledge about how “point of sale (Pos” system works, i said there is a way to reverse it and asked him to bring the pos machine and i’ll do it myself to which he said he will check with his senior. He walked to his sr. Manager inside cabin, then another well-dressed gentleman who introduced himself as anam mirja came and asked about my concerns. When i asked him about 2 transactions which they debited on my card without my consent and just under the name of checking special offer on my card. Very politely anam mirja said we will try to reverse it but need my card to do the same. The moment i showed my card, he swiped it and asked me to enter pin (And said its usual procedure to reverse the transaction) and again swiped my card for one more time and asked me to enter my pin for reversal of other transaction of rs 20000.in the meanwhile ajith kumar kept us engaged in dialog and continued talking about his offer to convenience us to which we were refusing from very beginning itself and i entered my pin on pos machine. Anam mirja asked me to sign couple of merchant copy of pos receipts stating it is required for them to settle the merchant batch at the end of the day where the first one stating reversal of rs -160000 followed by couple more stating these were earlier ones where they mistakenly debited my card. Also he showed reversal of rs. -160000 on another long receipt he generated from pos machine just for my satisfaction and showcasing their generosity. Unaware of their smartness, i already fell in their trap where they have swiped my card for rs 20000, rs 160000, rs. -160000 and again rs. 160000 as per sms notification from citibank.

My mistake was i didn't pay attention to date timestamp neither on the pos receipts i sign nor on sms notifications. The other mistake was we told them about our upcoming plan for a trip to mussoorie. So, they kept on holding me by one or other way and meanwhile negotiating on their offer and keep convenience us by stating that you can cancel the membership anytime within 7 days. He then came with an agreement and asked us to sign. When we wanted to go through the agreement but they did not allow us to do so saying that “sir, need not worry. It has all the information that we have discussed now and you can read it later showing the membership plan and offer details along with freebies. You need not worry, country holiday inn & suites is not a small brand, you know”. Just in case you make up your mind to go far this offer, you can tell us over the phone by monday and gave his visiting card on which his number is mentioned along with his designation as “take over manager”.

By now they already sensitized that we are concerned about our kids back home and in hurry to leave as its already quite late, taking advantage of this, they said you just sign it for now to make sure today's offer stays and late by monday you confirm whether you want to go ahead with this offer and they will process it. Also he gave me another paper taking authorization of rs. 180, 000 on my card and said nothing will be charged until i opt to their membership offer. Unaware of their smartness, somehow i also relied on them as it was too late (Past 10:30 pm) and we wanted to reach home at the earliest since our kids were back home waiting for us. They then handed over an envelope containing photo copies of application form we filled, contract we signed, and customer copied of pos receipts which i asked them earlier along with another small envelop to which he said this is your gift containing movie tickets for 2 adult and free hotel stay voucher. We just took the envelop and left their office, tdi mall was almost empty with majority of outlets closed and few dim lights on in common areas. By the time we reached home it was already past 11:00 pm and our kids were happy to see us as they were alone with caretaker.

As i was not interested in their offer from very beginning and didn’t look at whatever is inside the envelop. Monday i heard about some org level changes in my company which will require relocation. I immediately called on the number from which i received message it was “lavi sharma” but he referred me to his senior and provided ajit kumar's number. I called ajit and told him i don't want to go with his offer and asked him not to process the application form we filled. To which he said "sir, membership is non-cancellable" and you already agreed to terms and conditions by signed their contract and paid the full amount. I was shocked to hear they already deducted full amount from my credit card. Then i started searching sms notification from citibank and to my surprise they cleverly deducted rs 20000, rs 160000, rs. -160000 and again rs. 160000. I again called back ajit on his cell and he said today he is not keeping well today and their office is closed as well but he gave me his senior anam's number to contact. When i called anam on his cell and asked him for cancellation of my application and refund, he was reluctant to talk by stating there is not a valid reason for cancellation and further said he didn't even recognize me. When i gave reference to our meeting in their tdi mall rajouri garden office, he simple ignored me by stating he met multiple people on saturday aug 04, 2018 and can’t remember everyone and asked me to come and meet him in his office but today monday is their weekly off and their office is close. When i asked him how about tomorrow to which he said he is offsite and won’t be available in office but asked me to call him on tuesday post 11 am and check for his availability.

I thought of sending email to their customer care as well and the moment i logged in to my mail account, i saw they already sent me payment receipt of rs 180, 000 towards membership charges. I immediately replied back to the email stating “i want cancellation of my membership application (In process) and requested to refund the full amount” to which they replied “we regret to inform you that the cancellation cannot be processed against the specified reason, the membership is non-refundable as per agreement which is mutually signed”. When the truth is - i neither agreed to their terms and conditions nor gave my consent to their membership offer. They made us sign the paper using unethical and illicit means while taking advantage of our situation during late evening hours.

I called citi phone banking as well informed about this incident and asked them to block the transactions to which they said merchant has not yet come for settlement but they will keep a close watch on it and if merchant come for settlement they will take appropriate action/inform me. Since my credit card has already been compromised, citibank suggested me to cancel my current credit card i’m holding and they will send a new card within next 4 working day to avoid any further misuse by this merchant. I agreed to it as it is wise practice in interest of both me and citibank.

I then searched about this company “country holiday inn and suites” online and found the company was actually registered in december 2016 only. How come they get customer 3 to 4 years ago as they mentioned during presentation. Also when i checked their website they have mentioned the refund policy which states “in case of any valid point of dissatisfaction, the member can cancel their membership within 7 days of availing their first holiday by writing to us at [protected]@countryholidaysinnsuites.com. Refund will be processed after deducting administration charges, asf and gst”. But they are denying refund of my money they took by following unethical and illicit practices.

I, then, read the so-called agreement which mentioned things which were totally opposite to what they said. I am an it professional and i do understand and respect indian laws. This is a void agreement which can’t be enforceable as it is one sided generic agreement which doesn’t gives me any right to cancel.

Further to add to this, in the consumer forum ludhiana (Case no.553, dt.05.07.2012) the hon’ble judge specifically addressed this issue of ‘non-refundability’ – “further the plea taken by the ops (Country vacations) that as per the terms and conditions of the impugned contract, the membership fee once paid is non-refundable is also not sustainable, as the impugned contract is one sided standard form of contract (Where the parties are not equal in the bargaining power) which the ops got prepared according to serve their interest and the complainants were supposed to sign only on the dotted line. For such a view we are guided by the judgement by the hon’ble supreme court reported in air1986 (Sc) 1571.”

It has been almost a week i’ve been consistently requesting them to refund full amount of rs. 180, 000 which they stole from my card by unlawful and illicit means and now forcing their membership on us against our will while denying refund by giving reference to terms and conditions of the impugned contract. Even i got call from [protected] where the person introduced himself as rahul sr manager at chis handling escalations related to reservation and membership. During my telecom with him, he called me “fraud” stating you are one of those who pay rs 100 and then move to consumer forum/court and claim rs 1000 from peoples like us. When i countered him, how can he call me fraud when i’m requesting my money which your sales people stole from my call unlawfully. To which he said, i’m sorry with all due respect sir, you signed to our terms and conditions (Carefully brainstormed by our legal advisors) and as per that we can’t refund you anything now and we welcome you as member to chis. If you are not willing to go for our membership, you can transfer to someone else. This is completely a fraud where they took money from my credit card by their unlawful act and getting the application form and contract signed on dotted line by unethical and illicit means which they call is inline to company laid procedure and policies. Even their sales team (Ajit kumar and anam mirja) said if we let people read these conditions then we can't sell as no one will agree to them, even they threatened me by stating “their uncle is in delhi police, and relative in income tax department and brother who is lawyer” as you signed to our terms and conditions as per company procedures and policies, do whatever you want too we are not refunding your money.

Please help us to get our money back since this a purely a fraud that has happened to us.

(Spouse of sarbjit)
+23 photos
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Jan 5, 2019
Complaint marked as Resolved 
Dec 04, 2018
Updated by Gurwinderjit2018
Country Holiday Inn and Suits aka CHIS went unresponsive and has not been answering phone calls and/or replying to emails.
Key Facts
1. No Service has been rendered in last 4 months.
2. No signed copy of contract provided till date.
3. No welcome kit
4. Not answering phone calls, their feedback department is even helpless.
5. Not reply to emails sent

This clearly proves their fraudulent intend behind cheating our hard earned money.

Looks to me they are shutting down their shuttles as they did previous with their other 2 fake companies they opened.

Verified Support
Dec 04, 2018
Country Holidays Inn & Suites Customer Care's response
Here it is too be advised that we have been requesting him to please avail the services with us and as a member is not cooperating with us and putting fake comments on us and has not attended the welcome call from our end made several times so that we could send him his welcome kit accordingly.
Dec 04, 2018
Updated by Gurwinderjit2018
Country Holiday Inn and Suits aka CHIS do you have any answer to your below list of Fake and False Acquisitions:
1. CHIS own 6500+ properties worldwide. But the ground reality is CHIS don’t own a single property. All they do is book Standard Rooms though online travel sites.
2. CHIS provide 5 star accommodation at very low price. But the reality is CHIS provide standard room in 2 stay hotels. To lure innocent citizens and get positive reviews for their website/mobile App on Playstore and Appstore, they initially arrange free 1 night stay in 5 star hotels like Roseate House, Aerocity, New Delhi or Hyatt Regency, Delhi.
3. During initial casual talk (which they call as presentation), they smartly give references of “Country Inn and Suits” hotels (the famous brand of Radisson group) and if you catch them, they immediately say no they meant to say “Country Holiday Inn and suites (CHIS)”. Smart tactic to create fascinating impression on general public but in reality its all fake. Their representatives even doesn’t know about famous hotel chains, classification of rooms and/or rewards programs. Their goal is to show something fascinating but when I caught them red handed, the executive said she will ask her senior to clarify but it didn’t happen and the smartly deviated the conversation to other topic.
4. Since CHIS own these properties, our members have to pay “Annual maintenance charge (AMC)” which varies from 8260 to 10500. If you don’t use holiday in a calendar year, you need not to pay AMC. But their terms and conditions say completely opposite to this – its talks about “Annual Subscription Fee (ASF)” and they can change it anytime without any notice and if you fail to pay your membership stands void unless you clear the dues. Now here is the catch:
a. Firstly their words of mouth didn’t match their terms and conditions, refer to attached images and Terms & conditions.
b. Secondly, they never let you read the terms and conditions and make you sign it on dotted line by taking advantage of the situation, as I already mentioned in my consumer forum complaint.
c. CHIS doesn’t own any property hence AMC/ASF is not applicable which they said is towards the maintenance of properties.
d. They say plan your vacation well (min 30 to 60 days) in advance, when you do it yourself, Standard rooms in 2 or 3 star hotels are easily available at nominal cost of INR1700 to 2200 (room rate), for 5 to 6 night the cost will cost somewhere between 8500 to 13200 and that is exactly what they are charging you under the name of AMC or ASF. Smart way to fool honest citizens.
e. If the standard room is not available at your vacation/holiday destination, they will simply deny booking and you can’t do anything.
5. Now referring to Clause 17 of the impugned contract where CHIS themselves acknowledges, whatever has been told/communicated by their employees or representatives either verbal, written or through email is all fake/false and is superseded by CHIS terms & conditions which their employees never let you read and CHIS can changes anything anytime at its own discretion. This clearly implies, Country Holiday Inn and suits (CHIS) doesn’t has any standards of business conduct and has no core business values nor even of his own employees. This simply proves prompters of CHIS are running big SCAM, exploiting Indian Laws and looting Public. They must be brought under the scrutiny of law enforcement agencies. Such an organization can declare bankruptcy overnight and promoters can flee. CHIS website even didn’t disclose who are its promoters.
6. There has been no mention of any cooling off period is their impugned contract. Its only mentioned on their website under refund policy https://www.countryholidaysinnsuites.com/refund-policy
7. So far employees (doesn’t hold any value as per Clause 17 of their terms & conditions) of CHIS has been refusing to return/refund money on basis on this Impugned contract (which has not been signed by any authorized signatory of CHIS), referring to the consumer forum Ludhiana (Case No.553, Dt.05.07.2012) the Hon’ble Judge specifically addressed this issue of ‘non-refundability’ – “Further the plea taken by the OPs (Country Vacations) that as per the terms and conditions of the impugned contract, the membership fee once paid is non-refundable is also not sustainable, as the impugned contract is one sided standard form of contract (where the parties are not equal in the bargaining power) which the OPs got prepared according to serve their interest and the complainants were supposed to sign only on the dotted line. For such a view we are guided by the judgement by the Hon’ble Supreme Court reported in AIR1986 (SC) 1571.”
8. Since the day one I never agreed to their membership offer and has been requesting them to return/refund the money which they stole under than name of checking special offers on my credit card. CHIS has no right to refuse refund of Money which their employees stole using illicit, unlawful and illegal way as already narrated well in my complaint on consumer forum (copy attached).
9. Whenever I approached CHIS, all you get is threatening where they state – “Do whatever you want to do we have our contacts in Delhi Policy, Lawyers and Income Tax department” during my last meeting with them, even their relationship manager “Rahul Arora” repeated the same wording. He even said – we are not afraid of anything not even India laws.

Do you have any realistic answer to your list of FLASE and FAKE Acquisitions? and Please don't give me any generic reply here rather answer point by point.

with that being said, I never agreed to your offer and I'm not accepting it now even though you have fraudulently cheated us Rs 180000 under the name of checking offers on my card. I've documentary proof on the same. So don't fool others by your fraudulent intent.
Dec 04, 2018
Updated by Gurwinderjit2018
Since you agreed no service has been rendered, CHIS is obliged to return FULL money. Please do the needful and process the refund.
Verified Support
Dec 05, 2018
Country Holidays Inn & Suites Customer Care's response
You are all welcome to get the services and amenities under your CHIS membership before that please cooperate with us to attend your welcome call so that we could process your welcome kit accordingly.
Dec 05, 2018
Updated by Gurwinderjit2018
I've made it very clear from day one, I never accepted your offer but your sales representatives Ajit Kumar and Anam Mirza fraudulently cheated us of Rs. 1, 80, 000 under the name of checking promotional offers on my card.
After cheated us of our hard earned money through their fraudulent intend now CHIS is forcing us to accept their membership to which I never agreed and I'll never agree.
1. CHIS has been refusing to return our money which since last 4 months.
2. No Services has been rendered, even movie ticket vouchers provided has not been utilized.
3. CHIS words of mouth never match their writing. All they do is misrepresentation. CHIS have been running away from facing the truth.
4. CHIS has translated "ease of doing business" policy as "ease of doing fraud". The promoters has already closed 2 such companies in recent past and created this new one since registering a new company is mere 2 day job.
5. When I raised my concerns I've been threaten by CHIS employees Ajit Kumar ([protected]), Anam Mirza ([protected]) and Rahul Arora ([protected]) from raising my concerns and highlighting their fraud.
6. During my first telecom with Rahul Arora, he called me fraud. Everyone knows who is fraud and its none other than CHIS and its employees.
7. Rahul Arora has asked me to mark my complaint as resolved without any resolution and he is reluctant to return my money. He has been doing the same to everyone and I do have call recording where he is repeating just one phrase " you just marked your complaint as resolved, just mark it resolved, I'm saying mark it resolved".
8. CHIS has not ethics and no Standards of business conduct. All they do is cheat citizens of this country.
9. I'm not the only victim of their fraud here, all victims have joined hands now and "CHIS VICTIM" group is growing day by day. Ground almost ready for CIVIL SUIT against the aforesaid persons as well as the DIRECTORS of CHIS, Sh KAPIL SOMRA, VISHAL KUMAR RAI and KUMAR SAMBHAV.

Now far CHIS can run and refuse to refund, at the end of the day you have to abide to Indian Laws.
Complaint comments 


country holiday inn and suites makes false promises that are kept only till you make payment for there membership.misguides you and makes you day dream and interrupts the dream as soon as you get into their trap.
they say the membership money is refundable and won't allow you to read the aggrement where the terms are totally different from what they tell you verbally to allure you.fake promises by a fake company .they are using the name of renowned company country inn and suites to confuse people.they are cheaters.not returning the money rather there sales executives are forcing me to accept the welcome call from company and even some one from company named mr. rahul arora called me to remove my review because it might help some innocent people to get away from there trap.
Country Holidays Inn & Suites Customer Care's response, Oct 23, 2018
Verified Support
Here we would like to convey that we are all ready to provide solution to your every query and that's we have tried talking to you and so that your any query could be resolved asap so may we talk once again and resolve your any query here as we all ready to provide 100% services.
We have been trying to contact you to resolve the query and also ready to provide the best services and amenities under your CHIS membership with us.please contact us at earliest.
Gurwinderjit2018's [Complaint's author] reply, Sep 5, 2018
Firstly CHIS has done nothing called mutual so far, rather followed unethical and illicit practices through their sales guys to steel money from my card. Secondly, in all communications so far whether emails, phone calls, or initial follow-up meetings with your sales guys, you simply denied refund and continue with your unethical approach of forcing the membership while threatening me by not agreeing to your terms. During our last telecom you asked me to take out this complaint from consumer forum or marked it resolved otherwise you won't get anything other than just a comment from CHIS. Let me remind Mr. Rahul Arora, you called me a fraud when I raised my concerns about unethical and unlawful practices of your (CHIS) team through which they stole money and then refused to refund. It's CHIS who committed Fraud and not me.
Moreover, you denied meeting last Saturday i.e. Sep 01, 2018 with an excuse stating your general manager's unavailability. Your intend seems pretty clear to me to somehow buy time, delay refund and convenience me to accept your membership which I've been denying from very beginning and I'm not a game for it even now rather I would suggest you refund my money while respecting our time instead of wasting it for unwanted discussions/negotiations.
Lastly, due to my busy schedule, visiting your corporate office somewhere in Noida is not a viable option to me at all. But if you still insist for in person meeting to refund my money, I've only 30 minutes slot available this Saturday Sep 08, 2018 between 12:30 PM to 1:00 PM and meeting place will be Delhi (could be Connaught Place) which I believe is convenient to both of us.
I don’t understand your comment here, I spoke to Mr. Rahul Arora at least 3 times since I logged this complaint and all I’m being asked is to mark it as resolved uwithout any resolution. I’m not sure what is your intend behind the same but I’ll not change my stance or status of this complaint unless I get my money back which CHIS sales team took by their unethical and illicit practices.
Country Holidays Inn & Suites Customer Care's response, Aug 29, 2018
Verified Support
As per our last discussion yesterday as we have requested him to do a meeting with us so that his query could be resolved mutually as per his own satisfaction and as per his own comfortable and preferred time we assured him that could come at our Noida Corporate office and he himself told to come next week i.e on saturday.
Finally CHIS proved to be running big SCAM under bright day light openly steeling money from innocent citizens of this nation under the name of fake membership. It hardly matters to them no matter how much you request them to refund your money. They requested me to meet them and schedule meeting twice but at the last minute they didn't show up. All they do is make all fake promises and now even denying to meet under the jurisdiction of Delhi. Promoters of CHIS know the loopholes in Indian judicial system which they utilize them for their self benefit but they forget the core principle of Indian laws. Now its time to show them they real position to where they belong. I'm calling all the victims of this fraud company to unite against corrupt promoters of CHIS and bring them to justice. They can't simply run away by stealing money of innocent citizens for their our luxurious lifestyle. I already received consent from couple of victims and we together are moving petition against CHIS. Lets bring them to Justice, get our money back and save our fellow citizens from their SCAM
We have been requesting you to please come and meet us at our Noida Corporate office as you have been insisting us to meet you our outside office premises so please visit us as we are very much resolve you query regarding your CHIS membership.
I’m not asking you to come and meet me outside rather I’m asking you to come and meet in your own office in Delhi. In case you forget, I would suggest you to go through your website, the docs I attached to this complaint, which states CHIS registered office is in DELHI and all dispute redressal falls under jurisdiction of Delhi only. Either you acknowledge it’s false and fake information (which I believe it is based on your refusal on all front so far) or else let’s meet in your registered office in Delhi itself. I’m sure you are going to make another excuse just to buy time to unnecessarily delay the refund which doesn’t make any sense to me. Still let’s see what you have to say?
Country Holidays Inn & Suites Customer Care's response, Sep 16, 2018
Verified Support
We are really thank you as you have agreed to have a mutual meeting with us at our Rajouri Garden Office on 19th Sept'18 at 4 pm as has been advised by you only..look forward to clarify you all queries with us there.
Firstly, Mr Rahul Arora cancelled the scheduled meeting at the last moment on Sep 19, 2018. When insisted, you agreed to meet the subsequent day i.e. Sep 20, 2018 at CHIS office in TDI Mall, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi. You were not willing to listen instead you along with Ajith Kumar were not letting me speak and put my point of view rather you were forcing me to agree to your terms to which I denied. Your proposal of refunding just Rs 40, 000 has been straight forward rejected by me. I want full refund of my money (Rs. 180, 000) since I never agreed to your membership offer from day one nor did I give my consent to process my application till date. The meeting remained inclusive and there has been no agreement.

Here is “Country Holiday Inn and Suits (CHIS)” list of Fake and False Acquisitions:
1. CHIS own 6500+ properties worldwide. But the ground reality is CHIS don’t own a single property. All they do is book Standard Rooms though online travel sites.
2. CHIS provide 5 star accommodation at very low price. But the reality is CHIS provide standard room in 2 stay hotels. To lure innocent citizens and get positive reviews for their website/mobile App on Playstore and Appstore, they initially arrange free 1 night stay in 5 star hotels like Roseate House, Aerocity, New Delhi or Hyatt Regency, Delhi.
3. During initial casual talk (which they call as presentation), they smartly give references of “Country Inn and Suits” hotels (the famous brand of Radisson group) and if you catch them, they immediately say no they meant to say “Country Holiday Inn and suites (CHIS)”. Smart tactic to create fascinating impression on general public but in reality its all fake. Their representatives even doesn’t know about famous hotel chains, classification of rooms and/or rewards programs. Their goal is to show something fascinating but when I caught them red handed, the executive said she will ask her senior to clarify but it didn’t happen and the smartly deviated the conversation to other topic.
4. Since CHIS own these properties, our members have to pay “Annual maintenance charge (AMC)” which varies from 8260 to 10500. If you don’t use holiday in a calendar year, you need not to pay AMC. But their terms and conditions say completely opposite to this – its talks about “Annual Subscription Fee (ASF)” and they can change it anytime without any notice and if you fail to pay your membership stands void unless you clear the dues. Now here is the catch:
a. Firstly their words of mouth didn’t match their terms and conditions, refer to attached images and Terms & conditions.
b. Secondly, they never let you read the terms and conditions and make you sign it on dotted line by taking advantage of the situation, as I already mentioned in my consumer forum complaint.
c. CHIS doesn’t own any property hence AMC/ASF is not applicable which they said is towards the maintenance of properties.
d. They say plan your vacation well (min 30 to 60 days) in advance, when you do it yourself, Standard rooms in 2 or 3 star hotels are easily available at nominal cost of INR1700 to 2200 (room rate), for 5 to 6 night the cost will cost somewhere between 8500 to 13200 and that is exactly what they are charging you under the name of AMC or ASF. Smart way to fool honest citizens.
e. If the standard room is not available at your vacation/holiday destination, they will simply deny booking and you can’t do anything.
5. Now referring to Clause 17 of the impugned contract where CHIS themselves acknowledges, whatever has been told/communicated by their employees or representatives either verbal, written or through email is all fake/false and is superseded by CHIS terms & conditions which their employees never let you read and CHIS can changes anything anytime at its own discretion. This clearly implies, Country Holiday Inn and suits (CHIS) doesn’t has any standards of business conduct and has no core business values nor even of his own employees. This simply proves prompters of CHIS are running big SCAM, exploiting Indian Laws and looting Public. They must be brought under the scrutiny of law enforcement agencies. Such an organization can declare bankruptcy overnight and promoters can flee. CHIS website even didn’t disclose who are its promoters.
6. There has been no mention of any cooling off period is their impugned contract. Its only mentioned on their website under refund policy https://www.countryholidaysinnsuites.com/refund-policy
7. So far employees (doesn’t hold any value as per Clause 17 of their terms & conditions) of CHIS has been refusing to return/refund money on basis on this Impugned contract (which has not been signed by any authorized signatory of CHIS), referring to the consumer forum Ludhiana (Case No.553, Dt.05.07.2012) the Hon’ble Judge specifically addressed this issue of ‘non-refundability’ – “Further the plea taken by the OPs (Country Vacations) that as per the terms and conditions of the impugned contract, the membership fee once paid is non-refundable is also not sustainable, as the impugned contract is one sided standard form of contract (where the parties are not equal in the bargaining power) which the OPs got prepared according to serve their interest and the complainants were supposed to sign only on the dotted line. For such a view we are guided by the judgement by the Hon’ble Supreme Court reported in AIR1986 (SC) 1571.”
8. Since the day one I never agreed to their membership offer and has been requesting them to return/refund the money which they stole under than name of checking special offers on my credit card. CHIS has no right to refuse refund of Money which their employees stole using illicit, unlawful and illegal way as already narrated well in my complaint on consumer forum (copy attached).
9. Whenever I approached CHIS, all you get is threatening where they state – “Do whatever you want to do we have our contacts in Delhi Policy, Lawyers and Income Tax department” during my last meeting with them, even their relationship manager “Rahul Arora” repeated the same wording. He even said – we are not afraid of anything not even India laws.

Requesting Consumer Complaints forum to help us in getting Full refund of amount Rs 180, 000 back from Country Holiday inn and Suits.
Sir we Should take legal action . I am also Victim . i m with u
Gurwinderjit2018's [Complaint's author] reply, Oct 20, 2018
Thanks Mr. Garg, I agree with you, Being victim of this so called CHIS, all we need is to unite instead of sailing in separate boats, I'm in touch with 2 other victims as well, I'm sharing some details, please check inbox. Lets join hands and together we can fight the legal battel to bring promoters of CHIS to justice and stop them from looting innocent citizens.

I am also a victim of CHIS. I need your help in this matter. Can you please inbox your number so that we can discuss the same.
Kallpana's reply, Mar 24, 2019
I am also victim. They looted money with their fake promises. If you want to back out hard money than we should come together against chis
pls share ur number. i m also a victim.
pooja sikri's reply, Feb 23, 2019
I am filing a case tomorrow if you can share ur number pls
[email protected]'s reply, Mar 14, 2019
I am also a victim call me and we all should file a case 9828508007
vch's reply, Apr 13, 2019
I too have faced the same situation with CHIS, do let me know if you are going to file a case?
Have you received your refund
I am also a victim of chis. I also want to complain against them. I want my refund.
Hi Gurwinderjit,

Can you please get in touch with me. I am facing exactly the same problem with CHIS and they are not ready to refund the membership amount. Their sales pitch was a complete lie and they are not offering even 5% of what was promised.
I too have had very bad experience with country holiday inn and suites, it sure is a fraud.

has any body got the refund?

I have filled one coupon at dlf mall noida, few months back where the person told me that ‘country inn’ has opened new hotels at few locations
including shimla, jaipur, goa etc.
And they will provide you 2 nights/3 days stay at their new hotels if your names comes in lucky draw.

Then I received calls from a girl she informed me that I won the lucky draw for free vacation along with pvr voucher.
I was not willing to go as I don’t trust in these offers, so I denied.
But she kept on convincing me that I just have to visit the garden galleria mall with my wife for collecting the freebies.
I finally said okay, I will come. They sent me a text message –
(Welcome country holidays inn & suites india pvt. Ltd.

Mr. And Mrs. Today both are invited to collect your gift vouchers your 1st voucher is 1 couple movie tickets 2nd voucher is 2night & 3day holiday voucher.
Collect your voucher at for all details. Plz take a 45 minutes
Venue address: unit no.7lower ground floor garden galleria mall sec 18 noida near gip mall. Your
Entry code:sm00786.
Entry time:12pm
Thanks & regards:- priya"

In Jan, when I visited given venue then Prince Mishra, feroz and 2 other person tried to convenience me to buy a holiday package by doing lots of false commitment like:

We have 5000+ hotels in india
We have hotels in around 30 other countries
You will not get any issue while booking restaurants at any time if you informed us in advance.
We have at-least 7-8 options in each cities.
Each option is a 4-5 star properties.
You will also get discounts in Flight bookings, sight seeing and meals, if you take membership through CHIS.
You will save at-least 50-70% on each stay. Etc.

But when I came back and search about this company's review I found lots of complaint about the company,
people are saying that most of the time all good options are showing sold out even if we are trying to book in advance.

On their website:
Only 67 hotels at 35 locations are listed under chis-associated category.
Only 50 hotels in 12 countries are listed on chis-internal-exchange page(Excluding domestic hotels)
Only 117 all hotels are available on both pages.

It was not conveyed that I have to pay annual maintenance from 1st year as well.

On above complaint I received below reply from country holiday inn(Chis) that
"we regret to inform you that the cancellation cannot be processed against the specified reason,
the membership is non-refundable as per agreement which is mutually signed as there is no valid justification in the reason being provided."

According to country holiday inn(Chis), this is marketing strategy to do false commitment to sell the membership and it is not a valid reason to cancel membership.

As per indian laws, including indian contract act, 1872. This is a void agreement which can’t be enforceable as it is one sided
which doesn’t gives me any right to cancel.

I have requested very next day after buying this membership to cancel this request but still they are not ready to refund my amount.

Invoice No: CHIS-ND783213
Reg No: CHISND775967
Have you guys received refund/resolution from CHIS on your complaint?
I had also cheated by chis, now whenever i had asked them to provide service they put some extra charges also, even 1% of the promises not fulfilled by them,

request all of you, pls. help me .

google reviews are one of the worst places to get info.
Totally faurd company . Fake people .
Hi All,

I’m having a same grievance. For how many of you it got resolved ? Can someone explain what course of action should be taken against them to get refund.
Hi All,

I am having the same grievance. Did any of you who got it resolved? If yes, please guide rest o[censored]s.


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