SBI Credit Card — Calls made for Payment already done
Sir,Since past three months, I am getting calls from Chennai SBI card office reminding me to pay the amount which I have already paid. The call center people don't know what they are talking and even don't understand the terms Total amount due and minimum amount due. I have registered n number of complaints against it but they are useless. They still keep on calling. I want take this up to next level and sue these SBI card and the call center people.
Vijay Shankar
SBI Card — Wrong Calls
Hi,I have my mobile number [protected] which was issued by Airtel to me approx. 3 years back which I think was with someone else before me.
I am being harassed by SBI executives by making calls almost every second for the amount due on SBI card with the name of Mohammad Arif Khan which I am not.
I have told every time to these guys that I am not Arif but these SBI teams are not removing my number from their databases, and I am fed up of these calls. Please help in getting rid of these calls.
Best Regards,
Tahir Saife
It is to bring into ur notice that i have deposited Demand Draft of Rs.10, 000/- against my November Bill of Rs.9, 800/-. The DD was deposited at Todapur Branch of SBI ( New Delhi-110012 ) on 19th of November, 2009 but to the surprise, it still has not been adjusted in my credit card account and i m receiving harassing calls from ur collection call center for no fault of mine. Mob-[protected].
SBI Credit Cards — Frequent Telephones
Dear sir,Telephonic harassment inspite of payment to card no:[protected].
you are requested to check once again the card [protected] not issued to me asking me to pay out standing towards this card which is highly impossible and irrlevent . As i am teliing again and again that which ever the amount is out standing is pending aganist my card [protected] i am ready to pay any time.
Thanking you
better to google the office addrs of sbi credit card in your place and speak to higher authority if that gentlemen did not take any action in that matter then its better to file one police complaint against that calls.
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SBI Cards — Wrong mobile number
One of your customer has wrongly registered my mobile number on his card. The card holder name 'Mr. Iqbal Ahmad Ansari'.I have sent emails and told your associates at the call center to remove my mobile number from the sbi card database, but nothing is happened till now.
I am getting calls frequently, I am getting harrassed my this.
I am really unhappy with the SBI Cards team. Inspite of telling more than 15/20times still they have not acted.