sir.i have a account in orcut name-sumanroy.roy356 password-1234567as someone is using my account and sending me bad words in my new account, , , , when i am trying to open my account there shown that password wrong.i think who is haching my account, he has changed my password, , , please delete my old account, , , more details call me [protected]
sir.i have a account in orcut name-sumanroy.roy356 password-1234567as someone is using my account and sending me bad words in my new account, , , , when i am trying to open my account there shown that password wrong.i think who is haching my account, he has changed my password, , , please delete my old account, , , more details call me [protected]
Student — G-mail
Dear Sir,My gmail account I-d was [protected] . bt the other day i got a message that my fmail id for my gmail accounts was changed without my notice . so i deleated my account . is is enough right??
Student — Hacked Account
respected siri was having gmail, orkut & rediffmail account. These account has been hacked by somebody.
my gmail email id is "[protected]"
rediffmail email id is "[protected]"
my orkut id is "[protected]"
The person who have hacked these account is sending mail to my family and friends. They are thinking that i am sending those.
I have given complain to the gamil team.
please delete these account as soon as possible or take necessary action.
thanking you.
Student — delete my account i cant use my account
sir i didnt use my account i forget my password plz delete my account my name is priya sahu from kanpur up the accont is hadek for me because my photo is atteched ther sir plz help to delet my account i have sumit so many complene but not any response plz help to delete my this acccountStudent — Hacking my account
Hi,I have been having this problem for two months now.
My yahoo account is being hacked by someone.
This has happened twice till now with a month's gap.
I am not sure who is doing this and how it is happening. Last time my account got hacked the person had checked the mail which had my address in it. I dont like feel right about this and i want this person to be found. If there are any problems that is happening to me then yahoo will be liable.
Student — someone hacked my gmail/orkut account
i have one gmail account.but someone has hacked my psssward and using my account.he has changed my passward.please delete my id.i have one orkut accont this accont is also hacked.he has changed my password of orkut this time he is using my account. my gmail id is amit.[protected]@gmail.comand orkut id is also same. my name is amit kumar .my cell no is [protected] .sir please delete my orkut account and my email id. please take necessary passward is sangeeta10 . some one has changed my passwad and using my orkut account and gmail id .please delete my id and orkut account.please delete soon. because hacker are doing wrong work from my id and orkut account .please delete my orkut account and my email id of gmail.
Student — someone use or hacked my account
siri am sanjeev choudhary from jaipur and my previous email address was [protected] and it had hacked now and someone changes my password or user.So kindly request gmail authority that please delete my previous account.
i just sign up a new accounts but the moments i want to access iacant go thru
Student — gmail.orkut account
dear sir my account [protected] i want to close pls my orcut account and gmail account closed .Customer satisfaction rating Customer satisfaction rating is a complex algorithm that helps our users determine how good
a company is at responding and resolving complaints by granting from 1 to 5 stars for each
complaint and then ultimately combining them all for an overall score.
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Reliance — hacking my orkut account
respected siriam manish chawla from kalka india haryana
sir someone is hacked my orkut account and used it for my personal relationship & my sisters also
i requested you to plz delete this id account as soon as possible